30 November 2021
Where can we find hope for liberation and justice in Palestine when the odds are so stacked against us?
Monday was the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People – a day for speeches at the United Nations but, as usual, no action to hold Israel accountable for violating countless resolutions.
Britain chose that day to sign a new “Strategic Partnership” agreement with Israel, following the trend of many other Western and Arab governments that have recently tightened their embrace of Tel Aviv.
It looked to me like a calculated jab at Palestinians, to remind them that since the Balfour Declaration a century ago, Britain has always been a proud enabler of their suffering.
For these leaders, it’s as if the massacres Israel perpetrated in Gaza in May, annihilating entire families in their homes, never happened. As if those lives don’t matter at all.
Israel wants us to see all this and lose hope. But I refuse, and I know you do too. Because history is on our side.
This inspiring short video reminds us that apartheid and colonialism once dominated South Africa and other countries. But people struggling for liberation – just as Palestinians are today – overcame what were also overwhelming odds to win their freedom.
Each of us, including you, has a place in this 21st century struggle against Israeli apartheid.
The Electronic Intifada’s role is to educate and inform people everywhere about what is happening in Palestine. We amplify the voices of Palestinians, including the human rights organizations Israel perversely labels as “terrorists.”
The International Criminal Court’s investigation, finally launched this year, is a result of the work of those groups and we’re proud to stand with them.
Let’s make today – Giving Tuesday – a day of hope, solidarity and action.
Please make a donation now to support the work of The Electronic Intifada in the year ahead.
Below I’ve included a small fraction of the amazing stories, videos and podcasts we’ve published this year that were seen all around the world.
Here’s the simple truth: This powerful work is effective at changing minds but we can’t do it without your support, so please make a donation today.
You’re not only helping us pay our reporters, editors, photographers and videographers, you’re giving the gift of education about Palestine to the world.
Donations are tax-deductible for US taxpayers and welcome from any country.
At a time when pro-Israel censorship is mounting, we refuse to be intimidated or silenced. But what makes us independent is you.
Our journalism debunks Israel’s propaganda and lies. We expose governments and institutions that claim to champion human rights, but are too often silent about or complicit in Israel’s crimes.
No less important, we tell the stories of grassroots campaigns – and victories – for Palestinian rights.
I find hope and power in the unity of Palestinians throughout their homeland that we witnessed in May, and growing global solidarity, even in the United States.
I’m proud that our work is helping to bring justice closer, one day at a time. When Palestinians celebrate their victory over apartheid, it’s one we will all share.
But right now, we have work to do. On behalf of the entire Electronic Intifada team, thank you for your support.
Ali Abunimah
Executive Director
PS: The funds we raise during our year-end campaign sustain us throughout the coming year, so your gift right now is really important! Thank you.
Other ways to give
If you prefer not to give online, you can make a donation by check. Make your check payable to “MECCS/EI” and mail it to:
1507 E 53rd St #500
Chicago, IL 60615
We will send you a receipt. Thank you!
The work you help us do
This is just a sample of the powerful and effective work you help us do.
Giving Palestinians a glimpse of home by Amjad Ayman Yaghi, 14 January 2021
UK Labour Party hires former Israeli spy by Asa Winstanley, 19 January 2021
EU anti-Semitism chief stands by blatant lie by Ali Abunimah, 22 January 2021
Boycotts are legitimate tools of protest against injustice by Rami Barhoush, 26 January 2021
Video: Wanted in France, Living it up in Israel by Ali Abunimah, 8 February 2021
Victory in Arkansas over anti-BDS law by Nora Barrows-Friedman, 15 February 2021
EU gives $15 million in “creative” aid to Israel’s war industry by David Cronin, 18 February 2021
Spike in settler attacks creates “living hell” for Palestinians by Kelly Kunzl, 18 February 2021
We must resist Israel’s war on British universities by David Miller, 20 February 2021
Israeli ambassador seeks to exploit Black struggle in US by Michael F. Brown, 7 March 2021
Israel lobby loses legal effort to harass Palestinian rights activists by Nora Barrows-Friedman, 19 March 2021
Jordan-Israel normalization scheme backfires badly by Tamara Nassar, 1 April 2021
AOC panders to Israel lobby by Ali Abunimah, 9 April 2021
“Zionist” isn’t hate speech by Jeff Wright, 20 April 2021
Israel lobby’s “Death to the Arabs” damage control by Ali Abunimah, 23 April 2021
HRW: Israel commits crimes of apartheid and persecution by Maureen Clare Murphy, 27 April 2021
Election fiasco illustrates leadership vacuum by Omar Karmi, 30 April
Video: How Israel helped bring down Jeremy Corbyn by Asa Winstanley, 30 April 2021
This time it’s different by Ahmed Abu Artema, 14 May 2021
How the Palestinian Authority helps protect Israeli settlers by Tamara Nassar, 7 May 2021
Why Israel won’t win in Gaza by Maureen Clare Murphy, 12 May 2021
Israel fakes another video of “Hamas rockets” next to Gaza homes by Ali Abunimah, 17 May 2021
Teaching Wordsworth amid Gaza’s trauma by Ahmed Nehad, 17 May 2021
“Today we are Nazis,” says member of Israeli Jewish extremist group by Tamara Nassar and Ali Abunimah, 19 May 2021
Video: World stands with Palestine, 20 May 2021
How a Gaza mother went through 11 days of hell by Ola Mousa, 21 May 2021
Podcast Ep 36: How Palestinian resistance defeated Israel, 22 May 2021
Activists force shutdown of Israeli weapons factory in UK by Mohamed Elmaazi, 24 May 2021
Video: Israel’s war on journalists by Mohammed Asad and Tala Kaddoura, 30 May 2021
Jake Tapper spreads hatred of Palestinians by Michael F. Brown, 1 June 2021
When Israel killed doctors by Isra Saleh el-Namey, 4 June 2021
Oakland dockworkers refuse to unload Israeli cargo ship by Nora Barrows-Friedman, 5 June 2021
It’s time to change liberal discourse about Hamas by Ali Abunimah, 10 June 2021
Death without warning by Amjad Ayman Yaghi, 15 June 2021
How Israel tried to put Gaza out of business by Ola Mousa, 17 June 2021
The spirit of resistance is alive and well by Ahmed Abu Artema, 23 June 2021
UAE, Israeli leaders embrace over dead Palestinian bodies by Tamara Nassar, 29 June 2021
Podcast Ep 41: The village of Lifta and the expulsion of the Palestinians, 1 July 2021
More big investors dump Israeli settlement profiteers by Adri Nieuwhof, 8 July 2021
Older people “escape death” at Israel’s hands by Ruwaida Amer, 13 July 2021
Video: The bombs Israel leaves in Gaza by Mohammed Asad and Tala Kaddoura, 21 July 2021
Why did Scientific American censor Gaza solidarity call? by Omar Karmi, 3 August 2021
How Human Rights Watch favors Israel by Maureen Clare Murphy, 4 August 2021
What Israel hopes to gain from America’s Afghan disaster by Ali Abunimah, 18 August 2021
Expectations at rock bottom as Bennett heads to Washington by Omar Karmi, 24 August 2021
Jan Schakowsky, progressive except for Palestine by Hatem Abudayyeh, 27 August 2021
Global war on terror comes home by Michael E. Deutsch, 9 September 2021
Was Sabra and Shatila a genocide? by Donald Wagner, 16 September 2021
“Don’t fail justice,” victim of Israeli war crimes tells Dutch court by Adri Nieuwhof, 24 September 2021
Spectacular defeat for Israel lobby at Labour Party conference by Ali Abunimah, 27 September 2021
Podcast Ep 45: The Palestinian Authority and other collaborators, 1 October 2021
A nightmare for Gaza’s young doctors by Jamileh Tawfiq, 13 October 2021
Amazon and Google: partners in Israeli apartheid by Jonathan Cook, 19 October 2021
David Miller was cleared of anti-Semitism, leaked document shows by Asa Winstanley, 22 October 2021
Meet Sabrina Miller, the student who waged a campus war for Israel by Kit Klarenberg, 26 October 2021
Israel puts Gaza’s deaf people in extreme danger by Ruwaida Amer, 29 October 2021
Podcast Ep 46: Israel declares war on Palestinian civil society, 9 November 2021
West throws Palestinian rights groups to the wolves by Maureen Clare Murphy, 2 November 2021
They are the criminals, we believe in justice by Adri Nieuwhof, 16 November 2021
“Terror” designation of rights organizations should not deter US-based activism by Omar Zahzah and Nadya Tannous, 25 November 2021
Killed by Israel’s negligence by Fedaa al-Qedra, 26 November 2021