Mohandas Gandhi once said that: “We must become the change that we seek in the world.” In Palestine, the change that people of conscience seek is the elevation of justice to the condition of reality. With the rise of the Internet and modern information technology more generally, fewer and fewer individuals, particularly in post-industrial societies, can credibly claim ignorance about the plight of suffering human beings all across this planet. AAPER’s George Naggiar examines the spirit of Rachel Corrie and the call to not just seek, but to become justice. Read more about One Year Later: Rachel Corrie as Justice Itself
In a presentation on the Jewish Agency for Israel’s website, entitled “The Security Fence - Hopes and Fears: A Drama in Six Episodes”, the report’s author, Steven Klein, conducted a Google survey into the frequency of terminology used to describe Israel’s Wall, typing in different terms and logging the number of Google hits returned for each. Klein’s stated methodology for discovering “the most deserving term” for Israel’s Wall is which term “enjoys the most common use” as evidenced by Google. EI’s Nigel Parry explores Wall semantics on the Internet. Read more about Israel's West Bank Barrier: Semantics on the Internet
The public hearings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), principal judicial organ of the United Nations, to be held from 23 to 25 February 2004 in the case concerning the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (request for advisory opinion), will be broadcast live and in full on the Court’s official website ( Read more about Live video coverage of ICJ hearings on wall on the Internet
Al-Haq, the oldest Palestinian human rights organization and the West Bank affiliate of The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), recently launched a Campaign to Stop Collective Punishment. Collective punishment is simply penalising a group as a whole with no regard for individual responsibility. Such punishments and other measures of intimidation have been utilised by the Israeli authorities against Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories for decades, including house demolitions, movement of restrictions, and the wall. Read more about Campaign Against Collective Punishment
Since we launched The Electronic Intifada in February 2001, millions of people all over the world have used our site as a resource for the latest news and in-depth analysis about Palestine and the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. We are thrilled today, on International Human Rights Day, to launch Version 3.0 of the The Electronic Intifada, a major upgrade of The Electronic Intifada website. The changes you will see on the site take nothing away from all you have come to know and trust about EI, but add some fantastic new features to address the needs of the site as it has grown. Read more about Electronic Intifada version 3.0 launched!
The Intel Corporation, the International Youth Foundation (IYF) and the Welfare Association (WA) — a Palestinian non-profit foundation — officially launched the Intel Computer Clubhouse in Ramallah, the first in the Arab Middle East. “The Intel Computer Clubhouse is an extraordinary opportunity for the young people of Ramallah,” said Rafiq Husseini, Deputy Director General for the Welfare Association. “Palestinian youth will have a safe place to interact with one another.” Read more about First Intel Computer Clubhouse launched in Middle East
After months of anticipation, the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign formally announces the new website for mobilizing to Stop the Wall in Palestine, at The Stop the Wall site comes at a time when the Apartheid Wall’s pace is accelerating daily throughout the West Bank, making momentum and solidarity around the Campaign urgent. Read more about Site Launched by the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
When I think of Palestinian American academic and writer Edward Said, one phrase he penned comes to the fore. It was the title of a piece he wrote for The London Review of Books in February 1984, “Permission to Narrate”. These three words described what Said felt was most denied to the Palestinians by the international media, the power to communicate their own history to a world hypnotised by a mythological Zionist narrative of an empty Palestine that would serve as a convenient homeland for Jews around the world. EI’s Nigel Parry narrates. Read more about Permission to narrate: Edward Said, Palestine, and the Internet
The Electronic Intifada has been busy behind the scenes for the last month, working on a third major redesign of our site. EI co-founder Nigel Parry and former multimedia specialist and EI team member Ken Harper are currently working together with the rest of the EI team to implement EI 3.0 for a September/October 2003 relaunch. For visitors who have grown used to our site, do not fear — the coming EI 3.0 will not see the removal of any features you currently enjoy, nor will it radically change our basic look. Read more about EI v3.0 Coming Soon
The Palestine Water for Life Campaign is an online campaign and international advocacy effort that looks at the current water crisis and water relief needs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Campaign is an important part of the Palestinian Hydrology Group�s Water and Sanitation, Hygiene (WaSH) Monitoring Project, which produces a comprehensive monthly report that pinpoints the particular needs related to water and sanitation of all the 708 localities in the West Bank and Gaza. Read more about The Palestine Water for Life Campaign