The Palestine Water for Life Campaign

The Palestine Water for Life Campaign is a website campaign and international advocacy effort that looks at the current water crisis and water relief needs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Campaign is an important part of the Palestinian Hydrology Group�s Water and Sanitation, Hygiene (WaSH) Monitoring Project, which produces a comprehensive monthly report that pinpoints the particular needs related to water and sanitation of all of the 708 localities in the West Bank and Gaza.

The Campaign looks to ensure that the data from these reports are made widely available and that the hundreds of communities are not neglected. The Campaign looks to be an important link between the information collection and the actual implementation of changes on the ground. The current reality on the ground, highlighted by the findings of these reports, reveals that there is little time to waist in responding to these basic water needs.

The website campaign is being organized by the Palestinian Hydrology Group (PHG) as a part of the WaSH Monitoring Project, which is being implemented in conjunction with a number of Palestinian environmental organizations through the Palestinian Environmental Network, namely Land Research Center, Palestinian Environmental Protection Society, Green Peace Association, Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees, and the Applied Research Institute�Jerusalem. The project is supported by Oxfam Great Britain as well as the European Commission�s Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO).

The Water for Life Campaign, through the website, looks to promote mobilization around water, sanitation and hygiene by encouraging the usage of the report findings, coordination among the donor and relief organizations, lobbying the relevant agencies to utilize the information, and promote greater worldwide awareness on the current water needs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The Campaign therefore looks to draw the attention of international humanitarian agencies working in Palestine and worldwide as well as international human rights groups, solidarity groups, and concerned individuals who are looking to do more in relation to water in Palestine.

The campaign website will be a dynamic tool in which water related information that is collected from the areas is regularly updated, in which donor activities are reported, where articles and information about water in Palestine are presented, where maps and figures are easily reachable, and where the WaSH report is presented. The Website will include a comprehensive and easily accessible database that will consist of detailed information for the various communities, as well as tables and maps.

The Palestine Water for Life Campaign is an important way to promote the basic ideas behind the Emergency WaSH Project. The Campaign looks to provide clear targets and solutions.

Related Links:

  • The Palestine Water for Life Campaign