Electronic Lebanon has finally been incorporated as a special section of the Electronic Intifada website. Our diary section, “Live from Lebanon”, has been extremely popular, offering accounts from Beirut and other cities under bombardment in Lebanon. There has been a lot of media interest in these diaries, and many U.S. news networks are offering reports about voices from the ground and blogs to varying degrees in their reporting. Some networks have been reporting that the phenomenon of blogging from warzones is “new”. This is not the case. Members of the Electronic Intifada team have been pioneering alternative media reporting from Middle Eastern warzones for over 10 years. Read more about On blogging and citizen reporting from warzones
Palestinian journalist Awad Rajoub, a reporter for the Arabic-language website of the satellite TV station Al Jazeera, was freed on 24 May 2006 after being held by the Israeli authorities for six months. He was arrested on 30 November 2005 at his home in Doura, 10 km outside the West Bank city of Hebron, and accused by the Israeli military of “threatening state security.” The Al-Jazeera bureau in Paris told Reporters Without Borders the Israeli court that was supposed to try him ruled there was insufficient evidence and ordered his release. Read more about Al-Jazeera web reporter freed for lack of evidence after six months
EI is an internationally recognized media phenomenon, widely respected for carving out new - and needed - terrain for comprehending the Palestine-Israel conflict from a rich variety of perspectives. In a world of averted gazes, EI continually strives to bring the Palestinian narrative front and center. Palestinian dignity is sustained by the riches of Palestinian culture and history. EI is sustained by your continuing interest, support, and concern for justice. Read more about Electronic Intifada - Spring 2006 Appeal
“A window for you to look in; to see past the walls, barbed wire fences, and the media distortions; to hear from the people in Bethlehem themselves.” Palestinians and internationals living in the Bethlehem region have started a weblog. They want to tell the world what it is like to be living in occupied territory, under an economic siege, encircled by a wall and military checkpoints. For them the new site, Bethlehem bloggers, found at www.bethlehemghetto.blogspot.com, is a portal to communicate to the outside world and tell the stories of their lives in Bethlehem and what it is like to live in a “Palestinian Ghetto.” Read more about Bethlehem bloggers online
The following lists of 2004 most requested EI articles and BYTOPIC reference pages was compiled from electronicIntifada.net webserver statistics recording the period between 1 January and 30 December 2004. This list covers the full range of articles and pages published by EI since 2001, not just those published in 2004. Links open in new windows to allow readers to browse through the list. Compiled by EI’s Nigel Parry and Arjan El Fassed. Read more about 2004 Most Requested Pages on EI
The United States is channeling nearly $4 million through 2006 to promote the development of information and communication technology in the Palestinian Territories. Funded through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Palestine Information and Communications Technology Incubator (PICTI) opened in the Al-Sheikh Commercial Tower in the West Bank city of Ramallah in May and is seeking Palestinian entrepreneurs to partner with. “This state-of-the-art office space offers technology innovators an environment that encourages creativity while meeting their specialized needs for advanced technical support,” said PICTI’s first Chief Executive Officer David Bailey. Read more about U.S. funds development of IT sector in Palestine
ExpoTech Palestine Exhibition will be held at the Rashad Al Shawa Cultural Center, Gaza from December 4th—6th 2004. Claim your exhibition space at the technology crossroads of Palestine Gaza City. Meet your market, launch, preview and demo products. Sell your proven technology solutions. Your competition will be here. Anybody who’s anybody in developing, manufacturing or marketing information and communications technology products, services and solutions will participates at ExpoTech Palestine. Shouldn’t you be here, too? NOTE: THISEVENTWASCANCELLEDONNOVEMBER11TH. Organisers took the decision due to the political circumstances and the limited space sold for the Exhibition.Read more about ExpoTech Palestine in Gaza from December 4th-6th
The Computer, Internet and Mobile Phone Survey is a random sample survey implemented by the Paestinian Central Bureau of Statistics in the period 20 July–24 August 2004. The sample size is 7,557 households, 4,992 households in the West Bank and 2,565 households in Gaza Strip. This year’s survey revealed that 35.7% persons aged 10 years and over use a computer, 33.3% have access to the Internet, and 30.0% own a mobile phone. In the Arab World, Palestine thus tops the list of countries whose Internet usage has reached the largest percentage of the population, with the UAE at 33.2% Internet access. Read more about PCBS releases 2004 "Computer, Internet and Mobile Phone" survey
The reading of the Advisory Opinion to be rendered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), principal judicial organ of the United Nations, in the case concerning the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (request for advisory opinion), will be transmitted in full, live, on the Court’s website on Friday 9 July 2004, from 3 p.m. The general public, civil society organizations and the media worldwide, contributed to this decision. Read more about Live Internet video coverage of the reading of the Court’s Advisory Opinion