Internet & Technology

Return to Sender -- 55,000 Times 

Law professor and pro-Palestinian agitator Francis Boyle expected to have a lot of e-mail waiting for him after his two-and-a-half-week vacation. But he never imagined that there would be 55,000 messages packing his inbox — many of them hurt, even belligerent, notes from friends and fellow activists. The message that supposedly came from Boyle was a forgery — one of thousands sent out in the names and from e-mail addresses of prominent advocates for the Palestinians — designed to sow dissension, create confusion and waste time in the activist community. Noah Shachtman reports in Wired. 

Israel blocks Palestinian ISP

“For hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, getting to work, school or the market has been virtually impossible since Israel’s latest anti-terror campaign began. Now, they won’t be able to get online, either. Early Monday morning, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) troops took over the offices of Palnet, the leading Palestinian Internet service provider, shutting down the firm’s operations.” Noah Shachtman writes in Wired. 

"Remember These Children" website commemorates murdered Palestinian and Israeli children

“From September 29, 2000 through March 27, 2003, the violence in occupied Palestine and Israel claimed the lives of at least 419 Palestinian and 93 Israeli children under the age of 18. Remember These Children lists these 512 children side by side. The documentation, though painful, conveys the personal reality of these terrible statistics. Arranged chronologically by date of death, each entry includes the child’s name, hometown, how the child was killed, and, where available, the location of the fatal injury. ” A new website provides searing and powerful reminders of the urgent need for increased activism and educational outreach on the question of Palestine. 

Net plays big role in war news, commentary

Americans are turning to the Internet in record numbers for news and opinion, underscoring in new ways the Web’s powerful, global reach as the United States prepares for war. By the millions, they are going online to get up-to-the minute news, read reports in the foreign and alternative press, and check out so-called “warblogs,” electronic diaries pushing myriad views on the conflict with Iraq, reports Mary Anne Ostrom for The Mercury News
