Activism and BDS Beat 1 August 2014

Civil society organizations and public figures are calling on the world to demand the opening of the Rafah crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.
The signatories to the following urgent call to action include former Robben Island inmate, anti-apartheid icon, and African National Congress (ANC) leader Ahmed Kathrada, former ANC government minister and freedom fighter Ronnie Kasrils, and former vice president of the European Parliament Luisa Morgantini.
They join dozens of Palestinian and international civil society and solidarity organizations in calling on you to “go to your local Egyptian Embassy or consulate and demand the Egyptian government open Rafah crossing immediately and end its complicity with Israel’s genocide of the people of Gaza.”
The full text and list of endorsers of the call to action is included below. For more information email
Urgent call to action
In response to calls from our fellow human beings and comrades in Gaza who ask that we bring an end to the Egyptian government’s complicity in Israel’s genocide of the people of Gaza:
To all of you who understand the interconnectedness of our many human struggles for justice and dignity, we implore you to act in solidarity with Palestine as Gaza burns and bleeds, gathers and buries the lifeless bodies of her children, and contends with carnage, despair, and loss for which there is no language.
More than 1.8 million human beings have been under a suffocating, deadly siege imposed by Israel and accommodated by the Egyptian government, that severely restricts all movement of people and products.
It is creating in Gaza what has been described as the biggest open air prison in the world, subject to frequent Israeli attacks and used as a laboratory to test and market new Israeli weapons.
The average age in Gaza is 17 years, with half the people under the age of 16. This is a defenseless civilian population, densely packed into this besieged enclave with no place to run or take refuge from Israel’s full-on military onslaught.
The cynical claims that Palestinians are forcing Israel to kill their children lack the basic requirements of logic and minimal vestiges of humanity. No one is forcing Israel to commit genocide or to target infrastructure like hospitals, schools, and the only power plant in Gaza.
Purposefully, of their own volition, Israelis are using the most sophisticated death machines against civilians: children, families, medical facilities and aid workers. Meanwhile Israel maintains a violent and brutal aerial, land and sea siege on Gaza, continuous since 2006.
Despite a call from Egyptian citizens to lift the siege, the Egyptian government which controls one border and has the option to be part of a humanitarian response to the besieged people of Gaza, has instead supported the Israeli plan for return to the status quo of slow genocide.
Many people in Gaza are desperate to avoid slow death by savage siege, hunger and lack of medical care and demand to live like normal human beings, but feel the only option Israel gives them is to die quickly by carpet bombings and wanton mass destruction which Israel now mercilessly executes.
Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry stated that the Rafah Crossing into Egypt is “open.” “We receive injured daily from Gaza, as we pass more than 600 tons of aid through.”
However, between the 10th and 27th of July, the Egyptian government has allowed an average of just nine wounded people a day to cross the border from Gaza to Egypt to receive medical treatment.
Several aid shipments of medical supplies, and even doctors, were denied entry. In light of the actual number of wounded in Gaza, at least 8,265 as of 31 July 2014, the Egyptian government’s allowance is condemnable.
Egypt must help their sisters and brothers in Gaza. The Egyptian government must refuse complicity in Israel’s genocide of a population they hold captive.
Here’s how you can help:
Go to your local Egyptian Embassy or consulate and demand the Egyptian government open Rafah crossing immediately and end its complicity with Israel’s genocide of the people of Gaza.
Flood embassy phone-lines/email with messages of protest. Write letters to print media holding Egypt complicit and similarly deluge radio/TV and Facebook etc.
Raise your concerns with your political representatives.
Please communicate your actions and the Embassy responses to us via email at:
Endorsed by:
- Ahmed Kathrada, Former Robben Island inmate, Anti-Apartheid icon, ANC leader - South Africa
- Mr. Ronnie Kasrils Former ANC Minister for Intelligence Services, South Africa
- Luisa Morgantini Former Vice President of the European Parliament - Italy
- Richard Falk Former United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967
- Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) - South Africa
- Mosireen - Egypt
- Abu Dis Popular Committee - Palestine
- Al Eizariya Popular Committee - Palestine
- Alternative Information Center - Palestine
- Alternative Tourism Group - Palestine
- Al Walaja Popular Committee - Palestine
- Al Mufakara Popular Committee - Palestine
- Al Masara Popular Committee - Palestine
- Assopacepalestina - Italy
- At Tuwani Popular Committee - Palestine
- Australians for Palestine - Australia
- Badil - Palestine
- BDS Catalunya - Catalunya
- BDS Kampagne - Germany
- BDS Los Angeles for Justice in Palestine - USA
- BDS Madrid - Spain
- BDS - Netherlands
- BDS - South Africa
- Bil’in Popular Committee - Palestine
- Boycott Israel Network - UK
- British Muslim Initiative - UK
- Campagne BDS France - France
- Complicitats que Maten - Catalunya
- Diensten Onderzoek Centrum Palestina - Netherlands
- European Jews for a Just Peace - Europe
- Fourteen Friends of Palestine, Marin - USA
- Freedom Flotilla Italia - Italy
- Felagid Island - Palestina - Iceland
- Global Peace and Justice Auckland (GPJA) - New Zealand
- Holy Land Trust - Palestine
- International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network - International
- International League for Human Rights - Germany
- Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign - Ireland
- Irish Anti-War Movement - Ireland
- IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation - Turkey
- International Solidarity Movement Estado Espano - Spain
- International Solidarity Movement - Palestine
- Izquierda anticapitalista - Spain
- Jews for Palestinian Right of Return - USA
- Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost - Germany
- Just Foreign Policy - US
- Kenya Palestine Solidarity Committee - Kenya
- Kufr Qaddum Popular Committee - Palestine
- Labor for Palestine NY - USA
- Lluita Internacionalista - Catalunya
- Ni’lin Popular Committee - Palestine
- Nabi Saleh Popular Committee - Palestine
- Occupied Palestine and Syrian Golan Heights Advocacy Initiative
- One Democratic State Group - England
- Palestine Festival of Literature - Palestine
- Palestine Forum in Britain - UK
- Palestine Solidarity Alliance - South Africa
- Palestine Solidarity Campaign - Scotland
- Palestine Solidarity Campaign - South Africa
- Palestinian-American Women’s Association of Southern California - USA
- Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People - Palestine
- Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (Stop the Wall) - Palestine
- Palestinian Union of Social Workers and Psychologists - Palestine
- People for Peace, London - Canada
- People for Peace London - Canada
- The Ahmed Katharda foundation - South Africa
- PFB - Friends of Al Aqsa - UK
- Plataforma de Solidaridad con Palestina Madrid - Spain
- Popular Struggle Coordination Committee - Palestine
- Rumbo a Gaza - Spain
- Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network - Canada
- Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign - Scotland
- Ship to Gaza - Norway
- Ship to Gaza - Sweden
- Social Democratic Party - Kenya
- Students for Justice in Palestine at Brooklyn College - USA
- Students for Justice in Palestine Auckland - New Zealand
- Student Senate of Bethlehem University - Palestine
- Susya Popular Committee - Palestine
- Unite Union - Palestine
- Youth Against Settlements - Palestine
Egypt: Open the Border Crossing with Gaza
Permalink Saeeda Bukhari replied on
After an appeal by a Doctor on Aljazeera that all efforts should be made to open the border crossing with Gaza, I set up the following petition which will automatically email three Ambassadors when somebody signs
Do the right thing...
Permalink Daria Dolley replied on
Do the right thing...
Boycott Israel
Permalink Azzah Manukova replied on
Boycott Israel
Permalink Gloria Hernandez replied on
Stop supporting Israel, war criminals, destroying civilians.
please Egypt stop siege to Gaza
Permalink Maider Pérez replied on
They are your brothers, show respect for them.
Please don't be a part of killings of innocent children
Permalink MunirTarafdar replied on
Do your part for the humanity!
The silence of the Egypt,
Permalink Sam Choukeir replied on
The silence of the Egypt, make them complete complicit with this genocide
Open rafah now
Permalink Shah Nihad Hussain replied on
Egypt should open Rafah crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.
In order to save innocent lives.
Where is the humanity and
Permalink Hama Cummins replied on
Where is the humanity and compassion?
asking egypt
Permalink momo replied on
with all due respect asking egypt to help or take action against israel is a mirage there is nothing eygpt can do on the contrary they have a part of this genocide and complices try to remember the time of mubarak nothing has changed . do you guys want israel to curse egypt and america to stop its aid lets be realistic.
Wake up Egypt
Permalink Rabiah replied on
Plz Government of Egypt, don't b so cruel open the Rafah border. Plz Brothers and sisters of Egypt, open ur border for Ur Palestinian brothers and sisters, plz this world is temporary as we know as Muslims, plz forget ur differences with the ppl of Palestine and plz help them as u done in past.u r Palestinian's neighbours and we all know what our beloved prophet(PBUH)taught us, plz don't leave them in their time of need to burn and die specially when the Devil Israel wants to kill every last Palestinian child or person, plz wake up and open ur heart like real Arabs, I heard about Arabs amazing hospitality,don't look at other Arabs countries who can help but closing their eyes,make a fool of themselves, Plz remember the day of judgement when we will b standing of Infront of our Creator Allah and what our reply would b. I m sure u want peace and don't want war but the sad truth is Israel will come after u and the other Muslim world too after it will finish the Palestinians,u know ur history more than me, Israel hate Arabs that's y they r killing Palestinians, plz Egypt open ur border b4 it's too late God forbid and no Palestinian is left there to save. Otherwise there will b no peace for u in this world and hereafter, the screens, crys,and curse of these innocent souls will haunt u with the other Muslims and non Muslims countries
One planet one humanity
Permalink Robert Redwoodhippie Palmer replied on
If we are to survive as a species we have to learn to live with other cultures peacefully.
I am shocked and appalled
Permalink Daria Dolley replied on
I am shocked and appalled that the US government has restocked the idf...with arms...knowing full well they are bombing hospitals, schools,etc....and we all know it's not about the land or religion...its about annihilating the Palestinians....if I was born into a life of refugee camps....i don't know if I would abstain from seeking freedom...whether it be in a violent or non violent way...GOD help Gaza....GOD help Palestine..
Unjust war and occupation
Permalink Herbert Davis replied on
I do not support religious wars and hope you will help end this insanity. The occupation and blockades are the cause of the rockets the Israelis say cause them to slaughter innocents. It is just plain wrong. Please open the border to humanitarian supplies.
Permalink Sanoo replied on
Please...ACT NOW...The whole world is watching...Open your borders so Palestinians can come and be safe. Don't be Israel's puppet in this genocide.
Please show humanity in the
Permalink Tracy replied on
Please show humanity in the face of this appalling suffering and open your border. Help the innocent imprissoned people of Gaza
The horror of Israel killing Gaza
Permalink Jessica Spadola replied on
I agree that Egypt should open Rafah crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt for Palestinians suffering with atrocities. Israel continues crime over and over!
Stop the slaughter of
Permalink Sera Cracroft replied on
Stop the slaughter of besieged innocents
open the borders
Permalink momo replied on
the least we can do against this tyranny is writing and sensibilizing people all over the world about this genocide it's a shame to hide or keep quite we'll all have to give accounts one day on this cowardise long live palestine.
Egypt Please HELP!
Permalink Patricia Gracian replied on
Egyptian leaders:
I beseech you to show humanity and love towards suffering Palestinians. Open your borders to those who seek shelter from the atrocities being heaped upon them daily.
Permalink ARTHUR mCKERRON replied on
Open the Border With Gaza
Permalink M. Catherine Buntin replied on
Doing the right thing, takes courage and leadership. Show us that your government has the wisdom to act in behalf of innocent people... you must support an end to this occupation and participate in racheting down the manufactured fears (by the Israeli government) of the public. The time is now. Respectfully, Catherine Buntin
Gaza's blocus is a shame
Permalink Laurent de Wangen replied on
Gaza's blocus is a shame
Justicia universal. Que los
Permalink Emer replied on
Justicia universal. Que los culpables sean juzgados y los palestinos recuperen sus tierras y la dignidad robada.