The Electronic Intifada 5 October 2012
The month of September witnessed growing unrest in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip over deteriorating economic and living conditions. In the Gaza Strip, several Palestinian resistance fighters, two Palestinian police officers and a fisherman were killed by Israeli forces. In the West Bank, Israeli forces injured protesters during weekly demonstrations against the occupation, and settlers attacked Palestinian farmers.
In Gaza, 18-year-old Ehab Abu Nada died after setting himself on fire, while unsuccessful self-immolation attempts were reported in the West Bank. Gaza residents protested the Hamas government after a small child died from a fire caused by a candle used to light his family’s home during one of Gaza’s frequent power outages resulting from the ongoing fuel crisis. Meanwhile in the West Bank, protesters confronted Palestinian Authority forces in outrage over austerity measures imposed by appointed Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.
Two Palestinian political prisoners, Hassan Safadi and Samer al-Barq, ended their long-term hunger strikes after reaching deals with the Israeli Prison Service. Ayman Sharawna remains on a hunger strike stretching into its third month in protest of Israel’s imprisoning him without charge or trial — a practice known as administrative detention.
Palestinian refugees in Lebanon marked the 30th anniversary of the horrific Sabra and Shatila massacre. Palestinian refugees in Syria meanwhile continued to be affected by the ongoing violence there.
The Electronic Intifada welcomes photographic contributions from readers. If you have high-quality images for consideration for the next edition of the Month in Photos, email info A T electronicintifada D O T net.
- economy
- settler violence
- Palestinian Authority
- Salam Fayyad
- hunger strike
- political prisoners
- Akram Bani Odeh
- Kafr Qaddoum
- Fahmi Abu Rayash
- Ashraf Saleh
- Hassan Safadi
- Akram al-Zaanin
- Ihab al-Zaanin
- Ehab Abu Nada
- Fathi Baghdadi
- fuel crisis
- Tareq al-Kafarna
- vittorio arrigoni
- south Hebron hills
- month in pictures
- photostory