Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day is a BNN feature which offers a photograph on a day, and calls it “Photo of the Day”. This is not to imply that this is a regular feature, nor that this photo is truly the mother of all photos for the day in question. Usual disclaimers apply. A Palestinian Reuters cameraman was shot and killed while filming near a U.S.-run prison on the outskirts of Baghdad. Witnesses said he was shot by soldiers on an American tank from close range. US soldiers need help to distinguish between some of the more difficult-to-identify items that people carry in Iraq. 

Saddam lookalikes photo threatens politicians, entertainers

U.S. troops hunted Saddam Hussein on August 1, 2003 armed with new pictures of how he might look in disguise, as a fresh audiotape purportedly made by the fugitive dictator urged Iraqis to drive out foreign troops. ‘Only the actions of the faithful who struggled and fought can evict the invaders,’ said the taped message aired on Al Jazeera television. ‘God will grant us victory.’ Altered images of Saddam released by U.S. Central Command are seen in this composite photo. 

Exploring the truth: Pictland, Pictishism and Peace

Inspired by the Zionists who established a Jewish state in Palestine, the Pictish people who lived here for hundreds of years are reclaiming Scotland. Persecuted throughout the world the time has come for a Pictish state, the only place where the Picts can possibly be safe. Asked whether peace is possible the Picts say: “We�re prepared to make painful concessions. For example a couple of years ago we offered to let the Scots set up a Scottish state in Sutherland, a miserable, wet expanse of freezing-cold peat bog”. Scottish correspondent Hajjis al-Bint reports. 

Israeli shock as Sharon "comes out"

Yesterday Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon shocked his nation when he told them “You may not like the word, but what’s happening is occupation,” and he insisted that “holding 3.5 million Palestinians” against their will is bad for Israel and bad for the Palestinians. Today, BNN can reveal the truly shocking fact that for years Sharon has enjoyed dressing up as a Palestinian in private and he insists that his close friends call him “Abu Omri,” following the Palestinian tradition of calling someone after the name of their eldest son. 

In wake of Jayson Blair scandal, NYT assures that creative writing on Middle East will continue

The New York Times is reeling from a humiliating scandal in which it was found that reporter Jayson Blair had been fabricating breaking news scoops during the Washington sniper saga, quoting people he had never spoken to, regularly plagerising copy from other reporters’ work, and claiming to travel to cities and towns across the United States that phone records and a lack of travel expenses did not support. Times executive editor, Howell Raines, spoke to concerned parties at a recent press conference in New York, NY. BNN’s Najeeb Al-Anbarri was present at the conference but has lost his ticket stub so therefore requests that you take his word for it. 

Schlock and Awe

“This ‘Schlock and Awe’ tv glossary aspires to cut through what nearly every news anchor has ponderously been calling ‘the fog of war’ — as if they were quoting an obscure passage from Thucydides — and replace it with the fog of punditry. On the subject of obscure passages from Thucydides, how about this adage from The History of the Peloponnesian War: ‘Zeal is always at its height at the commencement of an undertaking.’ (Recall what Donald Rumsfeld declared last week, We’re still, needless to say, much closer to the beginning than the end.) Less than two weeks into the campaign, our zeal for war seems to have dissipated — and no one is looking forward to the undertaking.” This feature by Michael Tortorello appeared in Minnesota’s City Pages, which BNN’s editors could not let pass without sharing with our readers. 

Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day is a BNN feature which offers a photograph on a day, and calls it “Photo of the Day”. This is not to imply that this is a regular feature, nor that this photo is truly the mother of all photos for the day in question. Usual disclaimers apply. 
