
Encourage your local newspaper to state the obvious: Editorials must call for the basic minimum demanded by international law -- an end to Israel's military occupation

The Minneapolis Star Tribune editorial of November 12th, 2001 called for an end to Israel’s occupation. More papers should take this common sense approach. 

The CanWest Chill: "We do not run in our newspaper Op Ed pieces that express criticism of Israel"

The 7 December 2001 broadcast of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s As It Happens reported on a new editorial policy directive from CanWest Global, a leading Canadian media conglomerate, that impairs readers’ ability to make up their own minds about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, among other issues. 

Chicago Mideast Librarian suffers retaliation for doing his job

David Williams was for many years Middle East history librarian for the Chicago Public Library. Williams was transferred from his job, he has learned, primarily in
retaliation for his activities to educate the city about Palestinian human rights and a lecture series he helped organize. He also believes that this retaliation was prompted by his informational leafletting of an appearance by Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and author and apologist for Israel, at the Chicago Public

Columbia faculty demand university divests from Israel

Last month a group of over seventy-five Columbia and Barnard faculty members launched a petition campaign demanding that Columbia University divest from all firms that produce or sell arms or military hardware to be used by the state of Israel. Tonight in an open hearing, the case will be presented to Columbia’s Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing. 

Follow up: NPR replies to concerns about cash payments to reporter, conflict of interest

Having become the recipient of large numbers of concerned e-mails resulting from The Electronic Intifada’s special report, “NPR’s Linda Gradstein Takes Cash Payments from Pro-Israeli Groups”, NPR has now confirmed that it will enforce its conflict of interest policy banning such payments. Ali Abunimah and Nigel Parry report. 

From the square to the orchard

Veteran Israeli peace activist Adam Keller attended the Rabin Memorial Rally on November 2nd, and spent the following two days protesting the destruction of olive groves in Falami, a Palestinian village that will be drastically affected by the ongoing construction of Israel’s “Berlin Wall”. Meanwhile, news of the collapse of the Sharon government broke. 


Peace activist Kathy Kern was recently deported from Ben Gurion airport after arriving for her 11th term of service with the Hebron-based Christian Peacemaker Teams. In this article about the experience, Kathy asks why the Israeli government is afraid of people reporting what it is doing in the Occupied Territories? 

Sustained Malicious E-Mail Campaign of Disinformation and Lies Being Perpetrated Against ADC

As in common with many other Middle East-related organisations, including EI, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) has been targeted by a malicious campaign of disinformation and lies being perpetrated through e-mail attacks. The following press release is typical of the reaction ot this digital harassment. 
