
Follow up: Will NPR come clean about Gradstein's unethical cash payments?

Following our publication of “Special Report: NPR’s Linda Gradstein takes cash payments from pro-Israeli groups” (19 February 2002) and Follow-up: NPR replies to concerns about cash payments to reporter, conflict of interest (20 February 2002), National Public Radio’s Ombudsman Jeffrey Dvorkin’s Media Matters column of February 22nd discussed “NPR’s Middle East ‘Problem’ ”. The following open letter to Jeffrey Dvorkin is our response. 

Follow up: Gradstein's unethical payments make public broadcasting headlines -- NPR's Drake avoids making Gradstein accountable

Following our publication of the special report, “NPR’s Linda Gradstein takes cash payments from pro-Israeli groups” (19 February 2002), and several follow-up reports, NPR Ombudsman Jeffrey Dvorkin responded to our concerns on 25 February 2002 and the March 11th issue of the Current, a public broadcasting trade publication ran an in-depth story on the revelations, NPR Mideast correspondent broke ban on speaker fees, by Mike Janssen. Meanwhile, Gradstein’s unchecked bias continues to surface. EI’s Ali Abunimah and Nigel Parry report. 

Israel's 'smoking gun': A damp firecracker

Israel has failed to prove a credible direct link between Arafat and acts of terrorism. It pursues and promotes this myth to delegitimise the Palestinian national cause and demonise the Palestinian people as a whole. In truth, this smear tactic is effective, as Arafat has no more capacity to prevent suicide attacks than the Israelis were able to when they controlled 100% of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 
