

Peace activist Kathy Kern was recently deported from Ben Gurion airport after arriving for her 11th term of service with the Hebron-based Christian Peacemaker Teams. In this article about the experience, Kathy asks why the Israeli government is afraid of people reporting what it is doing in the Occupied Territories? 

Sustained Malicious E-Mail Campaign of Disinformation and Lies Being Perpetrated Against ADC

As in common with many other Middle East-related organisations, including EI, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) has been targeted by a malicious campaign of disinformation and lies being perpetrated through e-mail attacks. The following press release is typical of the reaction ot this digital harassment. 

Protest Arbitrary Imprisonment

Last week, armed Israeli policemen burst into the East Jerusalem YMCA offices and arrested Haytham Hammouri, a YMCA staff member. He was handcuffed and taken into police custody. No charges were made, and he was kept incommunicado for three days. Finally, he was able to see a lawyer, taken in front of an Israeli court, and sentenced to six months “administrative detention” in an Israeli prison. No charges were made against him, and there has been no trial. Haytham joins more than 12,000 Palestinians in a similar situation, and he may be the only Palestinian resident of Jerusalem held under this arbitrary pretext. To find out what you can do to help, read on. 

South African speaker says Israel is apartheid state

Anti-apartheid activist Na’eem Jeenah presented a lecture at McGill University in Montreal entitled “The African Apartheid and the Palestinian Plight.” During his lecture Jeenah made mention of various practices of the South African government during apartheid and showed how these practices share commonalities with the current Israeli government’s treatment of the Palestinian people. 

Israeli activists fly kites over military prison in support of Israeli conscientious objectors

Israeli activists from the Forum in Support of Conscientious Objectors flew kites over Military Prison #6 in support of Israeli conscientious objectors imprisoned for refusing to serve in the army. This Forum press release describes the events on 28 September 2002. 

Prominent Dutch citizens: 'End the occupation'

‘Israel must unconditionally withdraw from the territories it occupied since 1967 and implement all relevant UN resolutions’. This petition has been signed by two hundred prominent Dutch citizens, including politicians, writers, and artists and will be published in an advertisement in the Dutch daily newspaper De Volkskrant. EI’s Arjan El Fassed reports. 

Spat upon, threatened, we stood for Palestine

“ ‘Arafat is filthy swine, there is no Palestine,’ and ‘Thank you for killing my cousins in Israel,’ were some of the more polite slogans shouted at Al-Awda activist Benjamin Doherty and me as we protested silently at the annual “Walk With Israel” on Chicago’s lakefront,” writes Ali Abunimah after a not so pleasant walk in Chicago’s beautiful lakefront park. 
