The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), an international humanitarian service organization, joins Palestine, Israel, and organizations and coalitions around the world for the International Week of Action Against the Wall, November 9-16. During the next week groups are mobilizing their communities for a series of educational activities and actions to bring down this Wall and other walls and barriers. The American Friends Service Committee is has worked for a just U.S. policy in the Middle East for decades. Read more about AFSC joins worldwide action against the separation wall
Approximately 150 New Yorkers converged at Bryant Park, Manhattan, carrying three sixty-yard mock “walls” depicting the 25-ft.-high wall enclosing the Palestinian peoples in the West Bank. The protesters marched down 42nd street to Grand Central Station where they carried the wall inside to display it for passer-bys, while chanting “Tear Down the Wall.” “We are sending a message to our governments to stop their support of this hideous act of ethnic cleansing veiled behind ‘security’ rhetoric,” said Omar Jamal of SUSTAIN-NYC. Read more about New Yorkers erect a "Separation" Wall in Midtown Manhattan
The Second Annual Conference of the Peace and Justice Studies Association took place from October 9-12 in Olympia, Washington at The Evergreen State College. The title of the conference, ‘Fostering Alternatives to Violence,’ was deeply felt by the participants whose talk frequently turned to the post-September 11th world, the Bush administration and the conflicts in Iraq and the Occupied Territories. Educators, students, artists and activists joined to discuss progress and problems within the movement. candio. reports from Olympia. Read more about Olympia conference remembers Rachel Corrie and Rafah
The day declared by the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign in Palestine is gathering major momentum as cities across Europe, Canada, the US, Latin America, and Australia are joining in solidarity with the popular Palestinian mobilization that is to take place on November 9, the date of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The International Day Against the Wall is expected to be noticeable and large scale and to be a spark that further strengthens the Palestinian call to stop the Wall and the momentum in Palestine and abroad. Read more about Tens of thousands to mobilize for Nov 9th International Day Against the Wall
Seattle’s Palestinian community, together with Arab and American supporters of the Palestinian cause, have expressed clear opposition to the Nusseibeh-Ayalon “peace proposal” which dismisses the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes. Sari Nusseibeh and Ami Ayalon came to the University of Washington - Seattle on October 23rd, 2003, to present their plan, and were met with visible opposition from local community groups. Haithem El-Zabri reports for EI. Read more about Nusseibeh and Ayalon Face Strong Opposition in Seattle
Among other things, participants of the conference will gather to network, educate and strategize ways in which to build support for an already existing divestment campaign, designed to put an end to the Israeli occupation and stop military and financial aid to Israel in all its forms. In addition to featuring a series of educational workshops, activist training sessions, panel discussions, and speakers throughout the weekend, community members are encouraged help celebrate the will and spirit of resistance characteristic of the Palestinian people by experiencing the music, poetry and art that will be featured during the social and cultural events on Friday and Saturday evening. Read more about Third Annual Palestine Solidarity Conference, Ohio, Nov 7-9
The right of Palestinians to access quality health care continues to be impaired by the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, so hospitals supported by Action by Churches Together International are reaching out in new ways to deliver health care to isolated and besieged communities. Read more about Coalition of churches fights for Palestinian health rights
A small group of Jewish activists have organized to vigil in a solemn, dignified manner, the only conservative synagogue in Ann Arbor, Beth Israel Congregation. Our group is not completely Jewish — many non-Jewish supporters have elected to stand with us out of their convictions, and we are grateful. Vigils are scheduled for the start of worship services on Saturday mornings — we have completed three vigils so far and look forward to many more. Henry Herskovitz reports. Read more about Michigan Jewish activists hold vigils outside conservative synagogue