
Seeking An Organized Solidarity

Ten years ago, backed by solidarity groups from all over the world, it appeared that the Intifada had succeeded in forcing Israel to recognize the PLO as sole representative of the Palestinian people. However, with Oslo made many groups felt that Palestinians were in control of their destiny. Today, only few will assert that Palestinians are in control of their destiny? Rifat Odeh Kassis believes we cannot afford to wait until initiatives such as the “Road Map” or “Geneva” are implemented. 

Support Academic Freedom in International Studies

Last year the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3077, the International Studies in Higher Education Act of 2003. The bill provides for government funding for international area studies and foreign language programs, known as Title VI; however, the bill also contains a troubling provision regarding academic freedom. If agreed to by the Senate, this bill would create a 7-person International Studies Advisory Board. This bill is being supported by conservative think tanks like the Hoover Institution and self-appointed campus watchdog groups like Daniel Pipes’ Campus Watch. 

British inquiry into Hurndall shooting to also investigate James Miller's death

In a rare move Dr Knapman - the Coroner for Westminster, has agreed to transfer the jurisdiction of the inquest into the death of Tom Hurndall in Rafah, Gaza last April, to the jurisdiction of Dr. Reed - the Coroner for Camden. Dr Reed is currently responsible for the inquest into the death of James Miller — another British national who was killed just over a week after Tom in Gaza. The family of Tom Hurndall and of James Miller both welcomed the news yesterday and believe that this represents a major development in their attempts to get at the truth behind the killings. 

An open letter to the family and friends of Tom Hurndall

“The struggle for justice in Palestine would be stronger if Tom were still with us. Yet I believe that his selfless actions and the ultimate price he paid for believing in humanity sparked a desire to know, struggle, and act. He will live on by helping to bring about a revolution in perception and action concerning Palestine. Tom made a choice. It is people like him, Rachel, and many others who personify a new generation unwilling to blindly accept the world as it is, but who instead take risks and work together to forge new protest movements.” Activist Miriyam Aouragh remembers ISM member Tom Hurndall and his impact on a new generation of human rights activists. 

Five refuseniks sentenced to one year imprisonment

The Israeli Military court in Jaffa pronounced the sentence of one year imprisonment against five Israeli conscientious objectors. Noam Bahat, Adam Maor, Haggai Matar, Shinri Tsameret and Matan Kaminer, who are among more than 300 high school seniors, who refuse to serve in military forces involved in the occupation of Palestinian Territories are considered as “selective conscientious objectors”, as they refuse to join an army of occupation. They have already been detained over a year for refusing to serve. 

The detention of the refuseniks is arbitrary says the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention

In its final opinion the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention stated that although at present time the rejection by a state of the right to conscientious objection cannot be considered incompatible with international law, the repeated penalties imposed on Matan Kaminer, Adam Maor, Noam Bahat and Jonathan Ben Artzi were arbitrary. The UN Working Group stated that the repeated penalties for the disobedience to serve in the military are not compatible with international law. 

LA activists rally in solidarity with the Palestinian People

Activists from several peace and justice groups gathered infront of the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles yesterday to protest against the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The protests were prompted by the four-week siege and attacks on the town of Nablus. During this time, at least 18 Palestinians had been killed and over 250 injured. The town had been under 24-hour curfew much of the time, and homes have been demolished in the Balata refugee camp, Beit Foreek, and the historic center of the city. The rally in LA was a signal of solidarity with the people of Nablus and other areas that are continuously under attack. 

Unbound Spirit: Ayed Morar and Martin Luther King

Ayed Morar, or Abu Ahmed as he is known to all, sits in jail tonight and I wonder if he is thinking of Martin Luther King, Jr. Unlike Dr. King, Abu Ahmed will not be leaving jail anytime soon, and is he unable to protest his imprisonment by exemplifying the moral injustice done to him and his people, for the world’s powers have maintained a deaf ear to the plight of the Palestinian people. Like Dr. King, however, Abu Ahmed is in jail for organizing and participating in nonviolent direct action against unjust, discriminatory and violent policies targeting his people on the basis of their ethnicity. Adam Shapiro writes. 

British Airways removes billboards from settlements, following international campaign

This morning British Airways announced the removal of its advertising billboard placed at the entrance to the settlement of Ariel. These billboards had been at the focus of a short but intensive campaign. Gush Shalom (the Israeli Peace Bloc) had been alerted to the placing of the billboards by activists monitoring settlement activity. Thereupon, Gush Shalom sent a letter to the British Airways administration, asking for the billboards removal, and informing its network of international contacts of the addresses where they could add their voice. 

Tom Hurndall dies as family receive news of the indictment of his killer

Tom Hurndall, the British Photographer shot in Gaza while shepherding young children out of the line of fire, died last night at 7.45pm. His death came nine months after an incident in which he was shot in the head by an IDF soldier which left him in a vegetative state. The traumatic nature of his injuries has meant that at any time Tom has been vulnerable to serious infection and his death came after his body was unsuccessful in overcoming an episode of Pneumonia. At a hearing on Monday, a soldier arrested last week in connection with the shooting of Tom Hurndall, has finally been indicted on six charges. 
