The groundbreaking New York Arab-American Comedy Festival (NYAACF) will hold its 4th Annual Festival from November 14th–19th, 2006. The 2006 event promises to provide entertainment that is funny, uniquely original and politically insightful. The Festival — which has three components: Sketch Comedy Nights (comedic theatre), Stand-Up Comedy Nights, and a Short Comedic Film Night — has served as a launch pad for emerging talent while providing a much-anticipated forum for the presentation of new works. Read more about NY Arab-American Comedy Festival returns for 4th year!
The New York Arab-American Comedy Festival is happy to announce that Dean Obeidallah’s comedic one man show “I Come in Peace” will be playing for one more week after its recent successful run in the New York International Fringe Festival. Before 9/11, comedian Dean Obeidallah was living the typical white guy life. He hung out with his white friends and did generic white people stuff. Then 9/11 happened. Dean’s life would never be the same. What is it like to be an Arab-American with a Muslim last name after 9/11? Why did 9/11 transform Dean from a typical white guy to Super Arab? Is the Bush administration listening to his phone calls? Find out the answers to these questions and more in Dean’s comedic one man show “I Come in Peace.” Read more about Extended run of Dean Obeidallah's one-man comedy show in NYC!
(New York, NY) - Organizers behind the groundbreaking New York Arab American Comedy Festival (NYAACF) announced that they will be taking their critically acclaimed Festival on the road for the first time ever as they travel to Los Angeles for three nights: Tuesday, January 24 - Thursday, January 26, 2006. This LA run follows the overwhelming success of the third annual NYAACF held in New York City from November 13-17, 2005 and which saw over one thousand people attend the five nights of sold out events. Read more about The Arabs Are Coming! New York Arab American Comedy Festival heads for LA!
Organizers behind the groundbreaking New York Arab American Comedy Festival (NYAACF) recently announced plans for the 3rd Annual Festival, which will take place from November 13th–17th , 2005. More than ever, this year’s event promises to provide entertainment that is funny, uniquely original and politically insightful. No topic is off-limits as the theater pieces comedically tackle such topics as Palestine, intercultural fear of Arab terrorists, how to be a “real Arab,” and a comedic musical about religious fundamentalism and President Bush. Read more about 3rd Annual New York Arab-American Comedy Festival kicks off this month!
The New York Arab-American Comedy Festival is seeking submissions from Arab-American artists for its 2nd annual Festival, which will take place in New York City from October 10 -13, 2004. The Festival will be divided into three parts: comedic theater, stand up comedy and comedic films. Last year was an overwhelming success, with the entire Festival playing to standing room only crowds. The Festival showcased a diverse group of Arab-American comedic plays, stand up comics and short comedic films, with the participation of over 40 Arab-American artists. Read more about New York Arab-American Comedy Festival seeking submissions