New York Arab-American Comedy Festival 2 September 2006

Written and performed by Dean Obeidallah
Directed by Negin Farsad
The New York Arab-American Comedy Festival is happy to announce that Dean Obeidallah’s comedic one man show “I Come in Peace” will be playing for one more week after its recent successful run in the New York International Fringe Festival.
“I Come in Peace” will be performed from September 3 to 7, 2006 in New York City together with Iranian-American Negin Farsad’s critically acclaimed one-person comedic show, “Bootleg Islam”.
What people have been saying about “I Come in Peace”:

Before 9/11, comedian Dean Obeidallah was living the typical white guy life. He hung out with his white friends and did generic white people stuff. Then 9/11 happened. Dean’s life would never be the same.
What is it like to be an Arab-American with a Muslim last name after 9/11? Why did 9/11 transform Dean from a typical white guy to Super Arab? Is the Bush administration listening to his phone calls?
Find out the answers to these questions and more in Dean’s comedic one man show “I Come in Peace.”
Follow his funny, painful, and truly surprising journey which has taken him from a white guy not in touch with his Arab heritage to “Super Arab.”
Show Dates
Palestinian-American Dean Obeidallah’s one man show, “I Come in Peace”, comes highly recommended as a completely accessible introduction to the impact of 9/11 on Arabs, the Arab experience during the “War on Terror”, and an affirmation of Arabs as part of American life and culture. Laugh-out-loud funny. Drag Whitey to see it. — The Electronic Intifada
Sunday, September 3, 2006 through Thursday September 7, 2006 at 8:00 PM. One ticket admits you to both shows which run back to back. Approximate running time of both shows: 90 minutes.
45th Street Theatre
354 West 45th Street (between 8th and 9th Avenues)
New York, NY 10036
$30/$15. Call: 1-800-838-3006 or visit the website
This show is being produced by Eric Krebs Productions in association with the New York Arab-American Comedy Festival.
About Dean Obeidallah
A stand up comedian who has appeared on numerous national and international shows including, CNN’s “American Morning” and “Wolf Blitzer’s Reports,” Comedy Central’s “Tough Crowd,” ABC’s “20/20,” Japan’s NHK, and CNN International’s “Inside the Middle East.” He was also featured in the DVD bonus material for Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 911” in the section entitled, “Arab-American comedians.”
Dean had one of his proudest moments as a comic when he was recently awarded the first annual “Bill Hicks Spirit Award” by the NY Underground Comedy Festival and the Hicks’ family for “thought provoking comedy.”
He has written jokes which have been featured on “Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update” and CBS’s “Late, Late Show” and has also appeared on various national radio shows including Air America, NPR, BBC, and Democracy Now with Amy Goodman.
Dean is proud to be the co-founder of the New York Arab-American Comedy Festival which is an annual five night comedy Festival in New York City which showcases comedic theater, stand up comedy and film. Dean also co-created the comedy show “Stand up for Peace” with Jewish-American comedian Scott Blakeman which has played across the United States.
In addition to performing comedy at colleges and clubs across the country, Dean has performed comedy in the Middle East in Ramallah, Haifa, Dubai and Beirut.
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