The Electronic Intifada Podcast 12 July 2012

The BDS movement assesses 7 years of local and international campaigning for Palestinian rights.
APA imagesThis week on The Electronic Intifada podcast:
“The [BDS] movement has reformulated the Palestinian struggle back to the basics … it focuses on the rights of the Palestinian people as a whole, including ending the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but also the right of full equality for Palestinians living inside Israel, as well as the right of return for Palestinian refugees.” - Samia Botmeh, steering committee member of PACBI and an academic at Birzeit University, on this week’s podcast
- An Israeli court orders the destruction of an entire West Bank village as nearby illegal settlement colonies expand;
- Alive and victorious: Palestinian football star Mahmoud Sarsak comes home to Gaza after an epic three-month hunger strike following three years in Israeli prison without charge or trial;
- Former White House press secretary under George W Bush, Ari Fleisher, helps campaign for iVoteIsrael, which aims to collect US ballots from American settlers in the West Bank;
- 250 European academics call for the exclusion of Israeli arms corporations and a cosmetic company from European Union research projects;
- The global boycott, divestment and sanctions movement celebrates 7 years of victories, we’ll have interviews with Samia Botmeh, Palestinian academic and steering committee member of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) in Ramallah, and Michael Deas, EI correspondent and European coordinator with the Palestinian National BDS Committee (BNC), who talk about the significant strengthening of the movement across the world.