FBI investigated Americans for supporting Palestinian rights
6 April 2020
Probes led nowhere, but violated basic constitutional rights. Read more about FBI investigated Americans for supporting Palestinian rights
6 April 2020
Probes led nowhere, but violated basic constitutional rights. Read more about FBI investigated Americans for supporting Palestinian rights
11 June 2012
A collection of photographs charts the personal and political journey of Tom Hurndall, a British photography student and activist shot in the head by an Israeli sniper in 2003. Read more about A life brutally cut short: new book collects Tom Hurndall's photos of Palestine
16 September 2010
In a courtroom packed with foreign diplomats, Palestinian and Israeli human rights workers and political activists, the sentencing phase in the ongoing trial of Palestinian activist Abdallah Abu Rahme began at Israel’s Ofer Military Court on Wednesday, 15 September. Read more about Sentencing begins for convicted grassroots activist
12 November 2008
In April 2003, the 21-year-old Tom Hurndall was shot in the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip. The Israeli authorities absurdly claimed “that a Palestinian gunman wearing fatigues had been shooting a pistol at a watchtower and had been targeted by a member of the Israeli Defense Force [‘IDF’].” His mother Jocelyn, the author of the harrowing memoir, My Son Tom - The Life and Tragic Death of Tom Hurndall (with Hazel Wood), travels to Israel. At the Soroka Hospital in Beersheva she recognizes her comatose son “despite the bandages surrounding [his] dreadfully swollen head, covering [his] eyes.” Raymond Deane reviews for The Electronic Intifada. Read more about "My Son Tom": Mother continues the solidarity that Israeli bullets cut short
30 June 2005
The Israeli human rights organisation, B’tselem, has accused the Israeli occupation army of whitewashing the murders of hundreds of innocent Palestinian civilians. The organisation, which monitors Israeli human rights violations in the occupied territories, described Monday’s conviction of an Israeli soldier for the killing of British photographer and activist Tom Hurndall as an “exception than the norm”. “It is obvious that the prosecution and conviction of Tom Hurndall’s killer represents the exception, not the norm, as it is amply clear that the Israeli army refrains from investigating most cases involving the killing of Palestinians civilians by the Israeli army,” said a report released by B’tselem on Monday. Read more about Israel accused of covering up murders
28 June 2005
On Monday 27 June 2005 a military court convicted Israeli Sergeant Taysir Wahid of the “manslaughter” of British peace activist and photographer Tom Hurndall. On April 11, 2003, Hurndall was shot in the head and suffered irreversible brain damage, dying from his wound a year later. Wahid was convicted of a total of six charges, including obstructing justice and providing false testimony as well as conduct unbecoming a soldier. A sentencing hearing is to be held on July 5. The court found that Taysir shot Hurndall with a sniper rifle using a telescopic sight, adding that the soldier gave a “confused and even pathetic” version of events. Read more about Israeli soldier convicted for killing Tom Hurndall
4 February 2004
In a rare move Dr Knapman - the Coroner for Westminster, has agreed to transfer the jurisdiction of the inquest into the death of Tom Hurndall in Rafah, Gaza last April, to the jurisdiction of Dr. Reed - the Coroner for Camden. Dr Reed is currently responsible for the inquest into the death of James Miller — another British national who was killed just over a week after Tom in Gaza. The family of Tom Hurndall and of James Miller both welcomed the news yesterday and believe that this represents a major development in their attempts to get at the truth behind the killings. Read more about British inquiry into Hurndall shooting to also investigate James Miller's death
14 January 2004
Tom Hurndall, the British Photographer shot in Gaza while shepherding young children out of the line of fire, died last night at 7.45pm. His death came nine months after an incident in which he was shot in the head by an IDF soldier which left him in a vegetative state. The traumatic nature of his injuries has meant that at any time Tom has been vulnerable to serious infection and his death came after his body was unsuccessful in overcoming an episode of Pneumonia. At a hearing on Monday, a soldier arrested last week in connection with the shooting of Tom Hurndall, has finally been indicted on six charges. Read more about Tom Hurndall dies as family receive news of the indictment of his killer
10 October 2003
On Friday 10th October - six months after their brother Tom was shot by an IDF soldier, Billy & Sophie Hurndall presented a letter of protest at the Israeli Embassy in London. Read more about Relatives of Tom Hurndall present letter to Israeli ambassador
21 July 2003
“On Friday 11 April, my eldest son, a photojournalist, was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier. He was trying to protect two young girls in the Israelis’ line of fire in Gaza. He is 21 and now lies in a coma, with severe brain damage. We know he is not expected to recover and our family are endeavouring to come to terms with this. Recently, we were able to fly him home from Israel and he is now in The Royal Free in Hampstead, in a room overlooking London, filled with photographs of his life. Two large sheets covered in wonderful written messages from friends hang on the walls.” Tom Hurndall’s mother Emily remembers her son. Read more about "He risked all for others": Tom Hurndall's mother remembers her son