Jalal Abukhater

Freedom Waves participants still detained in Israeli prison

Only six out of the original 27 Freedom Waves participants have been released, twenty-one participants are still detained in Israeli prisons.  Egyptian journalist with Almasry Alyoum, Lina Attalah was the first to be released, she was handed over to officials at the Egyptian Embassy in Israel who later escorted her back home to Egypt through Taba crossing, Lina wrote an eyewitness account which can be found here. 

Actions in support with the FreedomWaves ships

Demonstrations were held today in Ramallah and Gaza in support with the Freedom Waves flotilla on it’s way to Gaza. Protesters in Ramallah marched from Manara Square to a UN building to demand protection for the Freedom Waves flotilla. Palestinian youth also submitted a statement demanding UN action to protect the boats and end complicity with the Gaza siege. 

FreedomWaves to Gaza!

In the latest attempt to challenge Israel’s heinous, inhumane, and unjustified blockade over the Palestinian Gaza strip, two boats carrying Palestinian and international activists and journalists have set sail towards Gaza. Israel has used filthy tactics to foil last summer’s Gaza-bound flotilla. 

Palestinian Model United Nations

Education served through school is never enough; it does not define a student’s character and personality. What defines a student is his/her level of awareness of the environment they live in, the knowledge they gain by reading, learning about, and exploring the world around them. That is what motivated us to organize Palestine’s first high school Model United Nations conference, PalMUN.