Jalal Abukhater

Egyptian people's power

Hundreds of thousands gathered in Tahrir Square today, demanding an end to military trials and the military rule. In the afternoon, Egyptians moved to different locations including the Ministry of Interior and the Israeli embassy in Cairo. Those who moved to the Israeli embassy in Cairo went holding sledgehammers aiming to destroy the wall built around the Israeli embassy; they succeeded. 

Picture: Gaza weather forecast

Gaza update: Eleven Palestinians killed in Gaza in the last 48 hours, among them a 17 year old kid (Salameh al-Masri) killed in an airstrike on a sports club in Gaza. I am literally out of words, heartbroken. This is a great drawing to describe the unfortunate daily weather forecast in Gaza.   


First of all, I would like to say that all my thoughts and prayers go to the Palestinians suffering in Gaza tonight! I am heartbroken, the news is the reason I’ve been depressed for the last two days. I rarely get depressed, but when I read the news of innocent Palestinians dying in Jerusalem and Gaza, I couldn’t hold my tears.