ISM founder Huwaida Arraf was taken into custody at Huwara Checkpoint near Nablus on June 18th after she protested the abusive treatment Palestinians were receiving from Israeli forces. Huwaida began negotiating with soldiers to secure the release of two Palestinian men who had been detained in the sun with their hands tied behind their backs for over 3 hours. One of the men has a bad back and was detained while trying to cross the checkpoint on his way to an appointment with a physician. Read more about ISM coordinator Huwaida Arraf arrested at Huwara checkpoint
This is the third day that protestors have effectively shut down the Rafah Governorate in the Gaza Strip. Over one hundred men, women, and children have come together to demand compensation for their homes, which have been demolished by Israeli forces armed with American Caterpillar D9 and D10 Bulldozers since the beginning of the Intifada. Read more about Owners of demolished homes shut down Rafah Governorate
Tonight, it appears that the Israeli army will bomb the Gaza International Airport. This morning, PA forces located in the airport were told by the Israeli military to evacuate. The Gaza Airport, located in Rafah, Gaza Strip, is one of the five exit/entry points in the Gaza Strip, of which only two have been open, with greatly reduced accessability, since October 9, 2000. The airport itself has been closed since that date. Early this evening, an F16 was seen flying over Rafah. Journalists have been at the site all day, photographing and waiting for something to happen. Read more about Protest Israeli bombing of civil institutions
Israeli Occupation Forces threw tear gas at peaceful demonstrators today at the Huwarra checkpoint outside Nablus. The demonstation primarily comprised of representatives from the medical, educational, legal, journalist, civil and human rights organizations from Nablus along with internationals from the International Solidarity Movement. Several local and international peaceful demonstrators were taken away for medical treatment. Read more about Israel teargasses peaceful demonstrators in Nablus
A dozen heavily armed and entirely male army force surrounded us, grabbing for our cameras and violently pushing us to the ground. Several soldiers grabbed Charlotte and I—causing bruises on our arms and legs—and forced on a jeep to the Tulkaram DCO and military base. Read more about Tulkarem: Israeli forces snatch, beat and arrest ISM volunteers
“The International Solidarity Movement is a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent, direct action methods and principles. Recently, ISM has been the focus of a lot of attention and misinformation; attention that we’ve been trying to get for a long time engaging in Palestinian nonviolent resistance. However, usually what we hear from journalists is ‘call us if there is blood.’” The following text is from a 5 May 2003 ISM press conference in Jerusalem. Read more about ISM: Report from May 5th Press Conference in Jerusalem
“At approximately 6:00 PM, May 10, 2003, Radika, a US citizen, Charlotte, a UK citizen, and Osama, a Palestinian coordinator working with the ISM, were detained by Israeli forces near Tulkarem in the West Bank.” An ISM press release offers an update. Read more about ISM Update: 3 internationals taken into IDF custody in Tulkarem
“It has been twenty eight hours since, at 8:30 PM on Thursday evening, May 8, 2003, two British internationals were detained at Erez border crossing at the entrance to the Gaza Strip… Nick was interrogated for many hours by the Shin Bet (Israeli Security Services)…. They are being told that they are being deported. ” Read this ISM advisory and take action. British citizens additionally advised to protest to their governmental representatives. Read more about ISM Update: Detention of Two British Activists at Erez Border Crossing