The Electronic Intifada Podcast 16 November 2012
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The mother of 10-month-old Hanen Tafesh, killed in an Israeli airstrike on Thursday in Gaza, mourns with family members at the baby’s funeral, 16 November. Reports indicate that as of Friday, 8 children have been killed in Israeli attacks.
APA images“This reminds me very much of what was going on, what we experienced during the three-week offensive attacks on Gaza in 2008-2009. It’s the same scenarios repeated, the same images, the same horrors, the same traumas in the Palestinian streets.” - Shahd Abusalama
“Since Wednesday, the Israeli attacks on Gaza have not stopped. At the moment, we have F16s shelling entire neighborhoods in Gaza, especially in the East and South. We have warships firing directly from the sea toward refugee camps that lie along the beach. And drones all the time.” - Rana Baker
“If these attacks continue … there is already a lack of medicines and medical supplies … And there has been repeated talk about the lack of more than 100 items of medical supplies in Gaza.” - Rami Almeghari
This week on The Electronic Intifada podcast:
- Reports, commentary and analysis on Israel’s attacks on Gaza
- Interviews with Rami Almeghari, Shahd Abusalama and Rana Baker in Gaza
- Ali Abunimah on Al Jazeera English on Tuesday
- EI blogger Mohammed Suliman on CNN on Wednesday
- Sounds from a protest in San Francisco on Thursday outside the Israeli consulate as hundreds of actions are planned around the world in protest of Israel’s aggressions

Demonstrators gather in protest of Israel’s attacks outside the Federal Building in Seattle, 15 November.
brilliant work
Permalink Carol Scheller replied on
Heartfelt thanks for this reporting. This is the first time I have listened to Podcast.
I would like to know how much of this excellent picture of the present situation in Gaza gets to main media. Today, the radio program started in Gaza by the Young Journalist Club plans to go ahead with its weekly broadcast (in French), interviewing a French journalist currently working in Gaza. I am not sure this initiative has many listeners among important media sources. The program can be listened to here : and listeners can phone in with questions or comments here : 00972 82 86 33 67.