Rights and Accountability

Palestinian rights group submits petition to Israeli High Court to reverse "Nakba Law"

Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel has submitted a petition to the Israeli High Court demanding that the government overturn its recent decision to criminalize commemoration of the Nakba — the ethnic cleansing and expulsion of 800,000 Palestinians before, during and after Israel declared itself a state in 1948. 

Israeli high court decision a serious setback for Gaza war crimes victims

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights issued the following press release on Saturday, 30 April following the Israel high court’s rejection of an appeal to extend the two-year statute of limitations imposed on filing compensation cases.  According to PCHR, this ruling “epresents a serious setback for the victims, and their legitimate quest for accountability and redress.” Israel’s High Court of Justice Dismisses Petition Filed on Behalf of More Than 1,000 Victims of Operation Cast Lead 

Long struggle ahead for Palestinian workers

Yesterday marked International Workers’ Day, also known as May Day and Labor Day. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights has issued two statements related to this annual commemoration. The first outlines Israel’s violations of Palestinians’ right to work, and the other condemns the Interior Ministry in Gaza’s banning of an assembly of workers to mark International Workers’ Day.   On Israel’s labor rights violations: 

Qatamesh's detention extended despite insufficient evidence

Ma’an News Agency reported today that the Palestinian prisoner rights group Addameer is condemning the extended detention of Palestinian write and political activist Ahmad Qatamesh. The Electronic Intifada published a report on Qatamesh’s arrest yesterday; his wife told EI that Israeli soldiers raided their family home in al-Bireh, near Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, on 21 April. 

New report by Al-Haq documents collective punishment in Awarta village

The Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq released a report today examining the measures taken by the Israeli army in ‘Awarta under international humanitarian and human rights law, on the basis of the documentation collected by Al-Haq’s field researchers. 


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