Rights and Accountability

Lawsuit filed to seek information on US role in deadly flotilla attack

The Center for Constitutional Rights launched a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit today seeking documents regarding the US government’s knowledge and role in the deadly Israeli attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla this time last year. 

New Al-Haq video documents Palestinian life in occupied Hebron

Al Haq has produced a new documentary video on Settlement Activity in the Old City of Hebron. It features testimony from a Palestinian family who live near Israeli settlers. They describe the frequent attacks they suffer from settlers who throw stones and even buckets of urine on them as they go about their daily life. The Israeli soldiers do not protect the Palestinian civilians even when faced with video evidence of settler attacks. 

Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh describes his attack and arrest on Nakba day

Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, a well-known professor and human rights activist based in Bethlehem, took part in Nakba day protests last weekend as Palestinians across Palestine and the global diaspora marched to demand their right of return, 63 years after the start of Israel’s project of ethnic cleansing and forced exile. Dr. Qumsiyeh participated in a march in al-Walaja, a village west of Bethlehem which has been facing aggressive land confiscation since 1948. 

Prominent South African scholar detained incommunicado by Israel

A prominent South African scholar was detained today on arrival Ben-Gurion airport after flying into Israel, held incommunicado without access to South African diplomats and his whereabouts are currently unknown. A press release from the Afro-Middle East Center in Johannesburg, South Africa, of which Na’eem Jeenah is director states: 

More than 350 injured, 130 arrested in Egypt Nakba protests

Multiple publications in Egypt have reported that more than 350 persons were injured by Egyptian forces during a protest outside of the Israeli consulate in the Cairo suburb of Giza last night, citing health ministry figures. Peaceful protests outside of the Israeli embassy were ongoing on Sunday, the day that marks the Palestinin Nakba — the forced dispossession of the Palestinian homeland with the establishment of the State of Israel. But the scene turned violent towards the end of the night. 

Palestinian Authority violently dispersed Nakba Day march in Hebron

As leaders of the Hamas and Fatah factions meet in Cairo to discuss a Palestinian Authority (PA) “national unity government,” the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, a leading independent organization, has condemned the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas for violence against Palestinians in the Israeli-o 


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