No, BBC, Jerusalem is not "Israel's capital"
17 December 2015
Broadcaster’s reporting doesn’t align with reality in the occupied city.
17 December 2015
Broadcaster’s reporting doesn’t align with reality in the occupied city.
11 December 2015
Second time in six months flagship Today program is censored for bias toward Israel.
2 December 2015
Outgoing New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief intoxicated by Zionism from the very start of her term.
19 November 2015
BBC rewrote headline on Israeli raid on Palestinian hospital to obscure extrajudicial execution.
30 October 2015
A right-wing pundit is among the few to applaud the Israeli prime minister’s distortion of history.
29 October 2015
Danny Cohen, a top BBC executive, appears to have been allowed to escape his responsibility to remain politically neutral.
20 October 2015
On the Today program, “around 50 dead” implied to be Israeli when vast majority are Palestinian.
9 October 2015
With complicity from US media outlets, Israeli leaders are lighting the match for the next lynching.
28 August 2015
Jorge Ramos has been accused of blurring the distinction between journalism and activism; so have I.
30 July 2015
Why are Mauritania and Iran mentioned in a report on same-sex relations and Palestinians?