Why won't Israel lobby groups condemn Trump's anti-Semitism?
21 August 2019
President accuses American Jews who vote for Democrats of “disloyalty.”
21 August 2019
President accuses American Jews who vote for Democrats of “disloyalty.”
19 August 2019
Move amounts to an undemocratic limitation on media freedom.
15 August 2019
The Israel Project’s fatal funding crisis was worsened by an undercover Al Jazeera expose.
25 July 2019
FIRE’s Kayla Gubov participates in Turning Point USA and Young Jewish Conservatives’ trip led by Kahane supporter Ben Packer.
17 July 2019
BBC hatchet job triggers new interest in undercover Israel lobby film.
15 July 2019
Alliance with Trump and far-right seen as eroding support for Israel.
12 July 2019
Israel lobby groups in Canada threaten more action against Palestinian Youth Movement.
11 July 2019
Panorama gives Israel lobby open platform to demonize Labour Party.
3 July 2019
The Israel Project’s CEO Josh Block blames “polarized political climate.”
20 June 2019
Museum attacked for tweeting article on Jews and Israelis who oppose BDS crackdown.