UK Lawyers for Israel libeled charity
11 March 2020
Defense For Children International Palestine was defamed with “terrorist” links.
11 March 2020
Defense For Children International Palestine was defamed with “terrorist” links.
6 March 2020
Leading charity Show Racism the Red Card stands by its association with the leftist filmmaker.
4 March 2020
Cautious Democrats keep silent on Donald Trump’s racism and fail to defend a leading presidential contender.
2 March 2020
Pastor suggested torture and death for Pete Buttigieg.
26 February 2020
March event to focus on controversial IHRA definition.
24 February 2020
MSNBC fails to disclose commentator’s link to Israel lobby group.
15 February 2020
Labour’s Israel lobby now despised by membership.
1 February 2020
Silent on Israel, ad backfires as candidate’s supporters rush support.
30 January 2020
Lawmakers urge education secretary Betsy DeVos to pull funds from Middle East Studies programs.
16 January 2020
Board of Deputies demands role in party’s disciplinary process.