Video: What is really happening at Gaza’s Rafah crossing with Egypt

A video produced by activists in Gaza shows the frustrations of Palestinians prevented from crossing through the Rafah border gate into Egypt, despite the announcement with much fanfare last week that the border would be permanently opened.

The video shot by Mousheera Jammal and directed by Jehad Nagy was posted on Saturday, 4 June and features Gaza blogger Ebaa Rezeq (@EbaaRezeq90).

Severe restrictions over the last four years have made it very difficult for the vast majority of Palestinians who live in Gaza to leave and re-enter the territory. The opening of the crossing was widely welcomed, but many restrictions remained.

The situation deteriorated further on Saturday when Egypt abruptly shut the crossing completely. As of today, Sunday, it is still reported to be closed.




After decades of violence and'd figure level headed people will say "enough already, we're destroying our children's future..."'s time for the children (the teenagers) from both races to step up and show their parents as well as their leaders...".this is not the way to unite a Country, by killing each other"...the children of today are much more in touch with their world than their parents were at that age...but it's easier said than done when it comes discrimination!