Al-Awda, The Palestine Right of Return Coalition, and Alternate Focus are dedicated to presenting the unheard voice of the Palestinian people to the American public. This is an opportunity for videographer activists to see their work on television and distributed on DVD’s worldwide, while advancing the cause of Palestinian return and self-determination. Last year we were privileged to view video film submissions by videographer activists exploring the lives of the Palestinian people, their heroism and their resistance under the Zionist occupation of their land. By popular demand, we are now instituting the second annual call for submissions. Read more about Al-Awda/Alternate Focus Annual Worldwide Video Contest
Outside the West Bank City of Nablus lies the Balata Refugee Camp. Home to almost 25,000 residents living on less than one square kilometer, Balata is the most densely populated refugee camp within the West Bank. In recent years Balata has seen hundreds of deaths and arrests, dozens of home demolitions and the camp is subject to near nightly invasions by the Israeli army. It is here that the Picture Balata workshop was started to teach youth from the camp about photography. Picture Balata puts the camera into the hands of the children born and raised inside the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestine. Read more about Picture Balata: A photography workshop
I have left the Israeli stage, television and cinema as a clear move towards disengaging myself from a society which has narrowed its cultural, political, economic and social activity down to means of oppression, discrimination and humiliation of the Palestinian people. Through my letter I was hoping to call for an open debate to clarify our strategy and tactics, which this Intifada lacks the most - not to gain sympathy and support for myself or for my film. At this point I would like to take the opportunity to call upon my fellow artists and filmmakers to join us in the boycott against those Israeli cultural events and institutions which are supported by the government and which do not take a clear stand against the occupation. I would like to call upon you to join this boycott, which will hopefully expand from the purely artistic and cultural to the academic and financial levels. Read more about Palestinian filmmakers respond in support of cultural boycott
It never crossed my mind during my undergraduate years in Princeton’s art history department that I would have the job that I do now, and frankly, it is a real conversation killer. I dread Sunday nights the most, when during the meet-and-greet time at the church that my husband and I attend in Washington, D.C., I tell people what I do. My explanation does not quite fit with the usual variations on the theme of “I moved up from the South and am working for Representative/Senator So-and-So.” When the question comes up, I take a deep breath and say, “I work for a Palestinian non-profit organization.” This is usually followed by a head snap from the person asking the question and a narrow-eyed “Hmmm, that’s in-ter-est-ing.” Read more about Cultural diplomacy
The Chicago Palestine Film Festival committee is issuing a call for films by Palestinian filmmakers and for films about Palestine for our sixth annual 2007 festival as well as subsequent festivals. The committee accepts films and videos of all genres and of any duration. For films with non-English dialogue, English subtitles are required. Film selection criteria include artistry, technical skill and content. We are especially interested in work by Palestinian filmmakers, but nationality is not a selection criteria. The deadline for submission for the 2007 festival is January 15, 2007. Read more about Chicago Palestine Film Festival seeks new Palestinian films
Sonic Arts Network invites submissions for its critically acclaimed CD series. Curated by Angolan/Portuguese composer Victor Gama, “PERIF�RICO - sounds from beyond the bubble”, will be a selection of works by experimental composers that work outside of western culture. Musicians/composers/artists that work within cultures and traditions outside of the western world are invited to submit one or two samples of their work for a CD publication to be released by Sonic Arts Network, UK, in Spring 2007. We are looking for works by contemporary composers from Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Iran and other countries in the region. Read more about Call for Work: PERIF�RICO - Sounds from Beyond the Bubble
I am pleased to announce the Off-Broadway premier of My Name is Rachel Corrie at the Minetta Lane Theater in Greenwich Village. As witnessed earlier this year through the swell of controversy surrounding the production, My Name is Rachel Corrie is a truly unprecedented theatrical event and a rare opportunity to experience Rachel’s personal courage through her own words. And for those of us who are committed to a just and peaceful resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, this play is a must see. Supporting truthful representations of the Palestinian reality in the US will open the door to more of these emerging projects which will broaden the discussion and strengthen the “conventional wisdom” push for a lasting resolution. Read more about "My Name is Rachel Corrie" playing now in New York City
Traditional ways of spreading information about the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel did not bring about fundamental changes in public opinion for decades. In order to explore new ways of conveying information, Dutch development organization ICCO invited the Dutch rappers Lange Frans and Bass B. to visit the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel. During the visit the rappers did not need their bodyguards to protect them from pushy behaviour of crowds of Dutch fans. They met their colleagues of D.A.M from Lod, the Refugee Rappers from Dheisheh refugee camp near Bethlehem and the G-Town rappers from Kalandia refugee camp. Read more about Dutch hiphop artists visit Israel and Palestine
The groundbreaking New York Arab-American Comedy Festival (NYAACF) will hold its 4th Annual Festival from November 14th–19th, 2006. The 2006 event promises to provide entertainment that is funny, uniquely original and politically insightful. The Festival — which has three components: Sketch Comedy Nights (comedic theatre), Stand-Up Comedy Nights, and a Short Comedic Film Night — has served as a launch pad for emerging talent while providing a much-anticipated forum for the presentation of new works. Read more about NY Arab-American Comedy Festival returns for 4th year!
El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe was established in 1979 by a small number of enthusiastic, talented and committed artists. Since then, El-Funoun has been throned as the lead Palestinian dance company. In Palestine, as well as among Palestinians in exile, El-Funoun has achieved an unprecedented popular recognition; in fact, quite a few of the Troupe’s songs and dances have become household tunes. US audiences will have the opportunity to see the world-renowned dance troupe as they tour the country this autumn. Read more about Dance Freedom: El-Funoun Palestinian Dance Company's 2006 US Tour