Activism News

Irish academics call on EU to stop funding Israeli academic institutions

In a letter published in the Irish Times today, 61 Irish academics from a wide variety of disciplines called for a moratorium on EU support of Israeli academic institutions until Israel abides by UN resolutions and ends the occupation of Palestinian territories. While this letter does not call for a comprehensive boycott, it does demand that European academic institutions cease funding collaborative projects with Israeli institutions. It also calls for academics to refrain, where possible, from institutional collaboration with Israel. Such actions are to continue until Israel abides by international law, part of which is ending the occupation. 

The Israel Veolia "Connexxion"

Veolia’s partnership in an Israeli project for a tramline, to be constructed on occupied Palestinian territory in East Jerusalem has drawn the attention of advocacy groups around the world who have responded to the call by Palestinian civil society for campaigns of boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. Building on an earlier article about the tramline in East Jerusalem with Veolia Environment head office in France and a Dutch Bank that invests in the company, Adri Nieuwhof further explores the background of the transnational company Veolia Environment. 

Call for an immediate end to Israel's discriminatory visa-freeze policy

More than 70 journalists, activists, and members of the diplomatic corps met on September 6 at the Ambassador Hotel in Jerusalem for a press conference regarding the Campaign for the Right of Entry/Re-Entry to the occupied Palestinian territory. The event was organized in conjunction with the Israeli-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI). The purpose of the press conference was to engage Israeli officials on the issue in the presence of foreign representatives. No Israeli government representatives, however, were present. A US consulate spokesperson emphasized that the consulate was aware of the visa freeze policy and that the issue was being raised at the highest levels. 

UK Headquarters of Israeli Company Blockaded to Gain Ruling on Legality of Trading with Settlements

Activists arrived at the UK headquarters of Carmel-Agrexco before sunrise on Wednesday morning for a day of uncompromising protest. The purpose underlying the protest was clear: to expose an Israeli company that is engaging in continuous unlawful and brutal activity by importing fresh produce originating from illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The method of protest chosen by the activists was to construct two large metal triangular cages at each entrance. Protestors secured their necks to the cages by using bicycle D-Locks for over 11 hours with several supporters close at hand. 

Jews in NY, San Francisco, Philadelphia stage coordinated protest

22 August 2006 - Yesterday, groups of Jewish activists across the U.S. protested continued Israeli military aggression in Lebanon and Palestine. Echoing a similar action that took place in Boston on August 1st, protesters staged die-ins, hung banners above freeways during morning and evening rush hours, and locked themselves down outside of zionist institutions. In New York, a group of more than 20 Jewish protestors staged a “Die-In” during morning rush hour outside Penn Station, unfurling large banners and lying down on the ground to demand a cessation of continuing Israeli military aggression in Lebanon and Palestine. 

Peace Cyclists complete European ride

The Peace Cycle has completed the European leg of its epic journey from London to Jerusalem. On August 30th the cyclists reached Rome, exhausted from a tough ride through northern Italy, but with their spirits high and looking forward to the next stage of the ride in the Middle East. The 25 men and women taking part, from varied backgrounds, faiths and nationalities, have showed remarkable strength and determination to overcome the physical challenges of cycling from London to Rome. Once over the Alps, they faced some of the highest and steepest hills Italy had to offer on the mountain roads from Bologne to Florence. 

Mobile street projections in New York City

Following a successful August 12th projection action on landmarks and in public areas of New York City, a multimedia projection team consisting of Emily Jacir, Bassem Nassar and Prerana Reddy reassembled on August 24th to create a mobile projection vehicle and take a series of Public Service Announcements (PSAs) and multimedia pieces to the streets. Equipment and guidance were provided by the Graffiti Reseach Lab. Photo documentation by Nigel Parry. 

Anti-war activists block UK Foreign Office in London

Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis, and Afghanis continue to be killed as a direct result of UK foreign policy. We will not stand as passive spectators to such crimes. We must do more than state-sanctioned marches. These sentiments were the common thread that tied over 50 anti-war activists together as they stood arm in arm in a solid and strong blockade of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office for two hours on Monday morning. The Foreign Office was targeted as a department that is entirely complicit in the ongoing wars, occupations and injustice abroad. 

Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine

Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine (APJP) is an independent international pressure group of design professionals. We are seeking international support for an ethical and just practice for our professions in Palestine and the Occupied Territories. We oppose the building of such projects as the illegal settlements, check points, settler-only highways and above all the Separation Wall. Palestinian land has become so fragmented that a viable Palestinian State has been rendered impossible. The map of Palestine, for the indigenous Palestinians, has shrunk from being 97% of the land in 1917 to 44% in 1947. 

After Worldpride: Notes and Ideas from Jerusalem and Beyond

Members of the international LGBT community persevered in their vision, making WorldPride a successful model of peaceful discussion and debate. Attendees traveled to Jerusalem from across the globe, despite strong opposition and threats of violence from Christian, Jewish and Muslim religious conservatives. The escalating situation in the Lebanon also created concern. The threats of violence from religious extremists proved to be unfounded; only a handful of antigay protesters made an appearance. This release contains a summary of major WorldPride events as they happened last week. 
