
Significant Victory on Boycott Front in Ireland

On Saturday 25th November the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) mounted a successful picket outside the entrance to the Limerick branch of the Atlantic Homecare chain store in Ireland. After refusing to move the picket when approached by security guards the protestors eventually agreed to call off their action after the store manger removed from sale all of the Israeli manufactured Keter Plastic products in the store. Within two hours of the commencing the action IPSC members witnessed pallet loads of the Israel made plastic storage boxes, wheelbarrows and garden sheds being taken off the sales floor. 

Carmel Agrexco's UK headquarters in Hayes blockaded

Early this morning, Palestine solidarity activists blockaded the Israeli Company Carmel Agrexco’s UK headquarters. This was part of a non-violent protest against recurrent breaches of human rights and international law in the occupied territories of Palestine. Carmel is complicit in war crimes under the International Criminal Court Act 2001 (ICC Act). They import fresh produce originating from illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories. The purpose of the protest is to highlight Agrexco’s illegal activity in court. The action follows a legal warning letter to Carmel stating clearly why they are in breach of the law. 

Palestinians hail Irish academics' support of Palestine

Irish academics were thanked this week in an open letter, signed by over 100 academics and 1,000 students of Birzeit University near Ramallah, Palestine. The thanks were addressed to the 61 Irish academics who wrote a public letter in September calling for a moratorium on EU aid to Israeli universities, until Israel abides by international law and basic human rights norms. The letter, published in the Irish Times on September 16th, has caused a public stir in Israel; the education minister Yuli Tamir has travelled to England to ‘verify if they [the signatories] are lecturers who have influence’. 

Swedish human rights worker viciously attacked by Jewish extremists in Hebron

November 18 - A 19-year old Swedish human rights worker had her cheekbone broken by a Jewish extremist in Hebron today. Earlier the same day at least five Palestinians, including a 3-year-old child, were injured by the settler-supporting extremists, who rampaged through Tel Rumeida hurling stones and bottles at local residents. Palestinian schoolchildren on their way home were also attacked. The Israeli army, which was intensively deployed in the area, did not intervene to stop the attacks. Tove Johansson from Stockholm walked through the Tel Rumeida checkpoint with a small group of human rights workers (HRWs) to accompany Palestinian schoolchildren to their homes. 

Flemish Palestine Solidarity Committee campaigns for a consumer's boycott of Israel

Last Saturday activists of the Flemish Palestine Solidarity Committee campaigned for a boycott of Israeli products, in front of several supermarkets. They asked the customers to sign a petition to the supermarkets’ directors, and built a ‘living slogan’. The activists want to pressure Israel to enforce its respect for international law. The profits of every Israeli product sold, allow Israel to maintain the occupation of Palestine. Since the international community doesn’t impose sanctions against these violations, VPK calls for a consumer’s boycott of all Israeli products. Some of the well-known trade marks in Belgian supermarkets are Carmel, Jaffa and Tivall. 

Independent film portrays Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

A new Indymedia film addressing the situation of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon has been released. The 22-minute film shows their lives in their camps and provides an opportunity for the refugees to share their experiences with the viewing audience. They discuss their miserable social, political and economic situation and reflect on their relationship to Palestine. The footage of this video was filmed in the refugee camps of Shatila and Mar Elias (beside Beirut), Naher al-Bared (Trablous), Bourj ash-Shamali (Sour) and Ain al-Hilweh (Saida). 

Palestine unites us: Towards the first Palestinian Popular Conference in the US

We, activists and organizers from the Palestinian community in the US holding diverse organizational affiliations, geographical and political backgrounds, met in Cleveland, Ohio Nov 10-12, 2006 in follow up to the initial meeting held in Detroit on June 23, 2006. In these historic times, we reiterate our commitments to affirm our Palestinian narrative and assert our rights to: — Self-determination and equality for all Palestinians — Return of the Palestinian refugees to their original homes, lands, properties and villages (a natural right supported by international law and UN Resolution 194) — End of Zionist occupation and colonization of Palestine, including Jerusalem. 

"Siddiquine's Harvest": New short film from Southern Lebanon

A-Films announces a new short film by independent media activists published under the name “Siddiqine’s Harvest”. This video deals with the longterm consequences the Israeli ‘war against Hezbullah’ has for the people and the agriculture of South Lebanon. The short movie “Siddiqine’s Harvest” was produced in the end of September in the southern Lebanese village of Siddiqine. It is the result of a 10-day video-workshop done by indymedia-activists in this hard-hit community. Four young people from the village deal with some major problems Siddiqine is facing after the war. To a large extent, this concerns tobacco agriculture. On one hand, many people were displaced during the war and therefore missed the tobacco harvest, on which a majority of the inhabitants depend. 

Photostory: Palestinian Youth at Yasser Arafat's Memorial

National unity was a theme of the commemoration of Yaser Arafat’s death on November 11, 2006. Many people came from various parts of the occupied Palestinian territories for the commemoration, those who were able to get past the checkpoints. Predictably, there were bottlenecks at Huwwara (Nablus) and Qalandiya (Jerusalem). Nevertheless, busloads of school children were ferried in and several scout groups had prepared to march. The main ceremony took place in Al Muqata’a, close to where Arafat is buried. The photographs in this photostory illustrate the commemoration and youth at the site in the days following. 

New Yorkers Resist the Apartheid Walls from Palestine to Mexico

On Saturday, November 11th, the Ad-Hoc Coalition for Justice in the Middle East and DRUM (Desis Rising Up & Moving) held a workshop in Manhattan highlighting the parallels between the wall on the US-Mexico border and the Apartheid Wall in Palestine. The workshop was immediately followed by a spirited march through Manhattan with protesters carrying a long black cloth “wall” as they snaked through the crowded New York City streets. Dena Qaddumi of the Ad Hoc Coalition introduced the workshop by noting that the event was being carried out in conjunction with the International Week Against the Apartheid Wall called by Stop the Wall: Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign. 
