The Electronic Intifada 19 August 2014

Palestinians recover belongings from the Khuzaa neighborhood of Khan Younis, southern Gaza, on 3 August following bombardment by Israeli forces.
ActiveStillsThe morning after Lailat al-Qadr, the death toll in Gaza was approaching its first thousand.
Al-Qadr — the night before the last Friday in the holy month of Ramadan — is believed to be the night when the Quran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad. I spent this special night with friends in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah after participating in the “48K March” for Gaza.
The march began in Ramallah and went to Qalandiya checkpoint. What began as a peaceful event with families bringing their children and even babies in strollers, ended with young Palestinians with gunshot wounds being rushed in ambulances to the local hospital.
Qalandiya crossing was fortified and air-tight, and the Israeli soldiers stationed on top were shooting live ammunition at the crowd.
As the ambulances were speeding through the crowd, I couldn’t help but wonder why there is no hospital between Qalandiya and Ramallah, a good distance which includes the municipalities of Jerusalem, al-Bireh and Ramallah.
The following night I was scheduled to leave Palestine to return to the United States. But Israeli forces sealed all the roads from Ramallah to Jerusalem for the night, and they were likely to be sealed the following day as well.
At the crack of dawn, when things had quietened down, my friend Samer drove me to a checkpoint that he suspected would be open. It was open, albeit for Israelis only, and from there I made my way back to Jerusalem.
That evening, as I was preparing to leave for Ben Gurion airport near Tel Aviv, people around me were trying to calm me down. “Don’t aggravate them, cooperate and they will be nice,” they said. “Why go through all this unnecessary inconvenience?”
They were talking about the “Smiling Gestapo,” Israeli security officers at Tel Aviv airport that go by the squeaky clean name of the Airport Security Division.
Non-cooperation and resistance
Listening to this, I was reminded of Jewish communities under the Nazi regime who believed that if they cooperated and showed they were good citizens then all would be well. But the road from cooperation to the concentration camps and then the gas chambers was a direct one.
The policies of racist discrimination and humiliation at Ben Gurion airport, and the policies of ethnic cleansing and murder of Palestinians in Gaza, emanate from the same Zionist ideology.
As we have seen over the past seven decades, cooperation and laying low do not make things ok.
Cooperation with the Israeli authorities might lead to short-term relief but it also validates Israel’s “right” to terrorize and humiliate Palestinians with our consent, “we” being all people of conscience. Whether we are Palestinian or not, the call of the hour is non-cooperation and resistance against injustice.
Today, Israel and its supporters lay the blame for the violence in Gaza on Hamas. But Israel did not start its assaults on the Gaza Strip when Hamas was established in the late 1980s. Israel began attacking Gaza when the Strip was populated with the first generation refugees in the early 1950s.
Palestinians, particularly in Gaza, are not faced with an option to resist and be killed or live in peace. They are presented with the options of being killed standing up and fighting or being killed sleeping in their beds.
“Sea of hatred”
Gaza is being punished because Gaza is a constant reminder to Israel and the world of the original sin of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the creation of a so-called Jewish state. Even though Palestinian resistance has never presented a military threat to Israel, it has always been portrayed as an existential threat to the state.
Moshe Dayan, the famed Israeli general with the eyepatch, described this in a speech in April 1956. He spoke in Kibbutz Nahal Oz, an Israeli settlement on the boundary of the Gaza Strip where Israeli tanks park each time there is a ground invasion of Gaza.
“Beyond the furrow of this border, there surges a sea of hatred and revenge,” Dayan said then. Ironically, when six months later Israel had occupied Gaza and my father was appointed its military governor, he said that he saw “no hatred or desire for vengeance but a people eager to live and work together for a better future.”
Still, today, Israeli commanders and politicians say pretty much the same: Israel is destined to live by the sword and must strike Gaza whenever possible. Never mind the fact that Palestinians have never posed a military challenge, much less a threat to Israel.
After all, Palestinians have never possessed as much as a tank, a warship or a fighter jet, not to say a regular army.
So why the fear? Why the constant, six-decade-long campaign against Gaza? Because Palestinians in Gaza, more so than anywhere else, pose a threat to Israel’s legitimacy.
Israel is an illegitimate creation brought about by a union between racism and colonialism. The refugees who make up the majority of the population in the Gaza Strip are a constant reminder of this.
They are a reminder of the crime of ethnic cleansing upon which Israel was established. The poverty, lack of resources and lack of freedom stand in stark contrast to the abundance, freedom and power that exist in Israel and that rightfully belongs to Palestinians.
Generous offer
Back at Ben Gurion airport that night, I was told that if I cooperate and plead with the shift supervisor it would make the security screening go faster. When I declined this generous offer, I was told they “did not like my attitude.”
They proceeded to paste a sticker with the same bar code on my luggage and give me the same treatment Palestinians receive.
As I write these words, the number of Palestinians murdered by Israel in Gaza has exceeded two thousand. Ending the insufferable, brutal and racist regime that was created by the Zionists in Palestine is the call of our time.
Criticizing Palestinian resistance is unconscionable. Israel must be subjected to boycott, divestment and sanctions. Israeli diplomats must be sent home in shame. Israeli leaders, and Israeli commanders traveling abroad, must fear prosecution.
And these measures are to be combined with disobedience, non-cooperation and uncompromising resistance. This and only this will show mothers, fathers and children in Gaza that the world cares and that “never again” is more than an empty promise.
Miko Peled is the author of The General’s Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine.
Miko Peled is an inspiration.
Permalink Barbara Lyons replied on
As an American Jew who was raised with the myth of Israel for most of my 76 years I am listening and reading my way into reality. I have Miko's book and will get to it as soon as I "conquer" From Haven to Conquest" an 800 page collection of documents edited by Walid Khakidi. I have read Ali Abinimah's newest book as well. If anyone has any other recommendations please let me know. Once one starts learning it is like an addiction. I can't stop. I now feel more like a citizen of the world than a citizen of the American Empire.
Permalink Caleb replied on
There's a good one ""called "The Iron Wall" by Avi Shlaim.
Reading recommendations
Permalink Gene St.Onge replied on
I've been reading about this subject for quite some time, but I've recently read 2 books that are among the best of the lot. The first is, "Goliath - Life and Loathing in Greater Israel", by Max Blumenthal, and the second is , "The Idea of Israel", by Ilan Pappe". If you haven't already, you might want to read Pappe's previous, ground breaking work, "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" before you read his current one, recommended above, for important background information. Between these three books, you'll be able to get a very good understanding of the issue. Good luck!
Recommended books
Permalink Paul Dixon replied on
Try to find "The Gun and the Olive Branch" by David Hirst and "The Birth of Israel - Myths and Realities" by Simha Flapan. I also have Kalidi's book and highly recommend it.
Thank you, Miko Peled
Permalink tom hall replied on
The obligation to resist makes different demands on each of us. In some ways- not necessarily visible- Miko Peled's path has been steeper than that taken by the people he seeks to stand with. He is seen as a traitor in his own land, estranged from all he once believed and to which he belonged. For him solidarity means casting his lot with those his family fought and dispossessed. In rejecting Zionism he has been forced to become a new person, with none of the reassuring moral continuity embraced by the killers of Palestinian children. His lessons are hard ones (and hard won) and he has become a true beacon for freedom against the state he has renounced.
Permalink Sami replied on
Hi Miko,
I read and see much off your stuff. Your heart is in the right place and you see very clearly what is going on. And not to mention the amount of courage you've shown. The zionist enemy is rutheless, well organized and with practically unlimited resources.
It is a difficult battle and I think in order to fight it, it is very important we find a way to organize. There are countless people and countless organizations ready to help the Palestinian people, but all work seperately. Only the amount of "pro-palestine" websites world wide is tremendous. Some organisation (maybe Electronic Intifada or The International Solidarity movement) should lead the rest of the worldwide organizations and coordinate actions. If they say all must go on a particular date on the streets, it must be followed by all organisations and their followers worldwide. If they say we all must stop buying coca cola for 1 month, all organistations and people must follow. Because toghether we are in the hunderds of millions. But not organized and working independently.
Anyway, keep up the excellent work. And lets see if we can get organized.
Sam U.
That was such a moving and
Permalink Mantiqb replied on
That was such a moving and transforming piece. I hope Miko Pelad becomes the hero that all Jews need (especially in Israel) to fight this crime against the world and humanity.
Also, don't forget books by Norman Finkelstein and his YouTube videos along with George Galloway. Noam Chomsky is super. For perspectives from Judaism see work by Nutrei Karta.