Palestinian Center for Human Rights15 December 2002
Israeli occupying forces have perpetrated more war crimes and human rights violations against Palestinian civilians, including willful and extra-judicial killings, shelling of, and incursion into Palestinian areas as well as agricultural land leveling. This week, 20 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 3 women and 2 children, were killed by Israeli forces. Read more about Weekly report on human rights violations
The Geneva based Center on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) has identified the countries guilty of most consistently abusing and defying international housing rights law in 2002 for its new annual Housing Rights Violators Award. Israel is among the ten states chosen to receive the award, writes BADIL. Read more about Israel wins the world's worst housing rights violators award
On this year’s Human Rights Day, over 6000 Palestinians languish in Israeli prisons, detained under arbitrary and unjust military regulations, interrogated through torture, and living in subhuman conditions of detention in the various military detention camps both in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, as well as those located illegally within Israel. Read more about Human Rights Day: Addameer on Palestinian detainees
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)6 December 2002
Following the killing in Gaza today of ten Palestinians, including two United Nations relief workers, the top UN human rights official, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Sergio Vieira de Mello, called for an Israeli probe into the recent pattern of serious incidents in the Middle East. Read more about UN's top human rights official urges probe into Israeli raid on Gaza
In light of the recent attacks, the United Nations Staff Union and its Standing Committee on the Security and Independence of the International Civil Service once again call for a full investigation surrounding the events that led to the killings of three staff member of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Read more about UN Staff Union again calls for full investigation of recent killings of UNRWA staff
Reacting to Israel’s deadly raid in Gaza today which left ten people dead, including two United Nations aid workers, Secretary-General Kofi Annan urged that country’s Government to restrain its military and act in accord with international humanitarian law. Read more about Two UN staff members killed in Israeli raid on Gaza
Palestinian Center for Human Rights4 December 2002
This week, Israeli occupying forces have perpetrated more human rights violations against Palestinian civilians, including willful killings, shelling of, and incursions into Palestinian areas and agricultural land leveling. Between November 28 and December 3, 2002, Israeli forces killed 7 Palestinian civilians, including two children and an old woman. Read more about Weekly report on human rights violations
United Nations Staff in the Occupied Territories5 December 2002
International UN staff today took the unprecedented measure of calling on Israel to hold its military to account and protect all UN and other aid workers operating in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) from harm, in accordance with international humanitarian and human rights law. The demand is an independent initiative taken by over 60 international staff from 22 countries. Read more about Iain Hook: UN staff call for justice