8 May 2003
The Electronic Intifada has obtained the text of a document distributed by the Israeli military to foreign diplomatic representatives. The document is entitled “Form to be filled out and submitted to IDF authorities prior to entry to the Gaza Strip” and is aimed at excluding foreign peace activists from undertaking nonviolent direct action against Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip.
Requiring activists to declare that they have “no association with the organization known as ISM (International Solidarity Movement) nor any other organization whose aim is to disrupt IDF operations”, the document seeks to dissuade participation in nonviolent activism and sidestep any Israeli legal responsibility for harm caused to activists confronting illegal Israeli actions in occupied Gaza.

Form to be filled out and submitted to IDF authorities prior to entry to the Gaza Strip
First Name/Family Name:
Nationality/Passport No:
Home address:
Address while in Gaza:
Purpose of visit in detail:
Duration of visit:
Organization arranging visit:
Conditions of Entry into the Gaza Strip
Foreign nationals entering the Gaza Strip, please note that the IDF is committed to ensuring the safety of civilians not engaged in hostilities. However, in the current circumstances, the IDF cannot guarantee the personal safety of foreign nationals visiting the area. Although the IDF cannot accept responsibility for death, injury or damage/loss of property incurred as a result of military activity, foreign nationals visiting the area are subject to the following conditions whose purpose is to minimize the risks involved:
1. The Military Installation Area along the border with Egypt is IDF administered territory and is strictly out of bounds to foreign nationals. Please note that this area has been the site of intense hostilities and is extremely dangerous.
2. Interference or obstruction of Israeli security personnel in the performance of their duties is a criminal offence.
3. The area adjacent to the Perimeter Fence, Israeli Settlements, Lateral Roads serving Israeli civilians and IDF positions are Closed Military Zones and are strictly out of bounds to all persons.
4. Foreign nationals are strongly advised to stay well clear of areas of military activity.
I strongly declare that the details provided above are true and correct and that I have read the above conditions and agree to abide by them fully. I am aware that my failure to do so may lead to my arrest and/or prosecution and/or expulsion from the Gaza Strip and/or from the territory of the State of Israel and its organs cannot be hold responsibility for death, injury and/or damage/loss of property which may be incurred as a result of military activity. I also undertake not to disrupt IDF operations in any way and declare that I have no association with the organization known as ISM (International Solidarity Movement) nor any other organization whose aim is to disrupt IDF operations.
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