The Electronic Intifada 22 February 2017

A for an Israeli hotel at the Dead Sea does not mention that it is in the occupied West Bank.
Two years ago, I wrote an article exposing how was offering hotel rooms in settlements that Israel has built in violation of international law. I also highlighted how the travel website was misleading clients by giving “Israel” as the address for hotels in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.
A correction of sorts has been made since then. When I checked earlier this month, I learned that it now gives “Israeli settlement” as the address for some of its accommodation listings.
The change was more than likely made in response to European Union guidelines.
Yet that does not alter the fact that is still abetting Israel’s settlement activities – activities which constitute war crimes.
Take the Kalia Kibbutz Hotel. In 2015, claimed that this hotel was in Israel. Today, the website states that it is “located within an Israeli settlement.”
It would not be clear to anyone unfamiliar with Middle East geography or politics that the hotel is situated on occupied Palestinian land. does not elaborate on what exactly “located within an Israeli settlement” means. It does not specify that the settlement has been built in violation of international law.
Unsuspecting tourists may simply think that the hotel is in an attractive location, a short drive from the Dead Sea.
The photographs of manicured lawns and a spacious swimming pool would not alert prospective visitors that by reserving a room here, they would be entering the scene of a war crime.
A 2013 United Nations report defined settlements as encompassing “all physical and non-physical structures and processes” built or undertaken to install, expand or maintain “Israeli residential communities” outside the “Green Line” – the boundary between Israel and the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Hotels located within Israeli colonies would appear to fall within that definition, as they are contributing economically to tourism activities in the settlements.
Other listings by are arguably even more deceptive.
The website gives “Israel” as the address for accommodations in occupied East Jerusalem. This is despite the UN Security Council viewing Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem as a violation of international law.
For example, offers its clients the opportunity to book chalets in Ramot, an Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem. The website claims that the chalets are in Israel, without acknowledging that they are located in an illegal settlement. identifies a hotel in Ramot settlement as located in Israel when it is in the occupied West Bank. is headquartered in the Netherlands. It should, therefore, abide by Dutch and European Union law.
In November 2015, the EU published guidelines for firms doing business in the Middle East. They state that the Union “does not recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the territories” it has occupied since 1967 – the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), Gaza and the Golan Heights – and “does not consider them to be part of Israel’s territory.”
The guidelines add that information published by firms about the origin of the products they sell “must be correct and not misleading for the consumer.” Labeling a product from an Israeli settlement in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as being “from Israel” would be misleading, according to the guidelines.
While the guidelines focus on goods, rather than services, there is nothing in them to indicate that hotels should be exempt from their provisions.
Giving “Israel” as the address for East Jerusalem clearly runs counter to what the guidelines stipulate.
Besides offering settlement hotels in the occupied West Bank, is continuing to claim that the Rimonim Hermon Holiday Village is in Israel. In fact, the holiday resort is actually situated in the Golan Heights, an Israeli-occupied part of Syria.
Inadequate has not gone far enough by only partially complying with these guidelines.
All of Israel’s settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights contravene the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits an occupying power from transferring its civilian population into territories that it occupies.
As the construction and expansion of Israel’s settlements involve war crimes, the EU should not simply be telling companies to use appropriate terminology. Rather, it should be banning the sale of goods and services to and from those illegal colonies. The EU should do so, mindful of how the UN has, in effect, defined businesses within those colonies as settlement activities.’s listing for Rimonim Holiday Village gives its location in Israel when it is in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
Two years ago, tried to evade its responsibilities. A spokesperson for the firm told me it was “not up to us” to determine if Israeli settlements were “illegal, disputed [or] unrecognized.”
The corporation did not respond to more recent requests for comment. Danwatch, a Copenhagen-based research center, recently criticized the Priceline Group – the parent company of – for refusing to address the “possible negative effects on human rights” from listing hotels in Israeli settlements.
Jeff Handmaker, a law lecturer at Erasmus University in The Hague, insisted that “business activities cannot be disconnected from international law obligations.”
Handmaker argued that under the Dutch international crimes act, could be sued for enabling violations of international law.
By continuing to offer services in illegal settlements, “ is – deliberately or not – actively facilitating the commission of war crimes,” he added.
The only acceptable course of action is for to refuse all listings from Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights.
Nobody should be invited – knowingly or not – to holiday in an illegal destination.
Mieke Zagt is a co-founder and president of the Article 1 Collective, a human rights organization.
Editor’s note: A minor correction has been made to this article following its publication. An earlier version of the article used the word “companies” instead of “business activities” in a quote from Jeff Handmaker.
I am so glad you posted this
Permalink Titfortat replied on
I am so glad you posted this I was looking for a place to vacation. I think you have sold me I will definitely use I already do all the time) to get one of these great hotels!!!
Permalink Zionism Is Not Judaism replied on
We are getting to you, aren't we? That is good.
Before long, let us hope not too long, you may become a mensch... a human being.
In the meantime, stay well.
Swiss-style chalets
Permalink Mark replied on
Personally I would avoid travelling to anywhere in the Middle East to stay in a Swiss-style chalet. Personally I prefer accommodation following the vernacular architecture of the area.
I'm glad you're glad
Permalink tom hall replied on
I hope you like the view just outside your door when you visit one of these "great hotels" in Occupied Palestine. You'll be able to see the village nearby whose land and water have been stolen on your behalf, and whose people are confined by a network of racist regulations, military bases and illegal checkpoints. You might even glimpse a section of that glorious Security Wall adorned with desperate inscriptions calling for the observance of human rights and the rule of law.
While there, why not hop in your rented SUV and barrel along one of the beautiful new Jews-only highways connecting the various scenic war crime sites? Drive on into Hebron and stroll along historic Al-Shuhada Street. Meet the charming, gun-toting American settlers and witness their colourful tradition of meting out good old biblical frontier justice one Arab at a time.
Yes, you have much to look forward to. Don't delay- come and gloat- bring your friends. The captive lands are beckoning.
Hotels in OPT
Permalink Kate Bates replied on
Perhaps Mr. titfortat will even get to shoot an unarmed, innocent Palestinian and be granted interview with
USA traitor, Jonathan Pollard
Permalink Yvon A. Moreault replied on
I will add "TripAdvisor &" sites to my boycott list for the simple reason I refuse to be an ignorant collaborator of the criminal persecution of the people of Palestine.