How Booking.com is aiding Israel's war crimes
22 February 2017
The travel website still gives “Israel” as the address for hotels in occupied East Jerusalem. Read more about How Booking.com is aiding Israel's war crimes
22 February 2017
The travel website still gives “Israel” as the address for hotels in occupied East Jerusalem. Read more about How Booking.com is aiding Israel's war crimes
8 April 2015
The travel website gives deceptive addresses for Israeli hotels in the occupied West Bank. Read more about TripAdvisor censors complaints about hotels in Israel's settlements
24 February 2015
By advertising hotels in these settlements, Booking.com is abetting war crimes. Read more about Booking.com offers hotel rooms in Israel's illegal settlements
7 June 2007
In an organic grocery in Amsterdam, Natuurwinkel, which has 70 locations all over Holland, a customer noticed several Israeli fruits and vegetables on the shelves. The customer asked about the exact origin of the fruits and vegetables, but the manager of Natuurwinkel could not give a clear answer. Through the Internet the name of the director and importer to the Natuurwinkel chain, Udea — the leading Dutch wholesaler of organic and frozen products and trades with ten European countries — was found, and in several emails clarification was requested on the origin of the Israeli organic products. Read more about Ban products with a criminal flavour