Activism and BDS Beat 13 November 2011
Belgian journalist and filmmaker Chris den Hond has released a brief documentary about the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. The video explains the justifications for consumer and academic boycott and features stunning footage of non-violent confrontational actions taken by French solidarity activists. It also discusses the repression activists face in France for their activities and the government’s efforts to criminalize Palestine solidarity.
A 18 minutes documentary film about the BDS campaign: boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. From the Gaza war end 2008 till the flytilla in July 2011. “It’s a matter of pression, not persuasion,” says Lisa Taraki, professor at Bir Zeit University. Also an interview with Omar Barghouti, founding member of the BDS campaign and many many action pictures.
Permalink Kamal Hassan replied on
BDS is the single most peaceful action Palestinians have to implore. Israel is an Apartheid hateful entity bent on liquidating all Palestinians, and erasing any and all memories and culture of Palestine. Most peace loving people of the world are in support of this action in solidarity with their Palestinian brothers and sisters.
Israel knows only actions not words. Palestinians have been talking peace with Israel for years to no avail. BDS is the way to get through the thick skulls of Zionist Israeli leaders. World pressure combined with BDS is the only way forward.