Video: When Elie Wiesel looked away from Gaza
18 July 2016
Holocaust survivor Hedy Epstein challenged Nobel Prize winner to show solidarity with Palestinians. Read more about Video: When Elie Wiesel looked away from Gaza
18 July 2016
Holocaust survivor Hedy Epstein challenged Nobel Prize winner to show solidarity with Palestinians. Read more about Video: When Elie Wiesel looked away from Gaza
13 November 2011
Belgian journalist and filmmaker Chris den Hond has released a brief documentary about the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. The video explains the justifications for consumer and academic boycott and features stunning footage of non-violent confrontational actions taken by French solidarity activists. It also discusses the repression activists face in France for their activities and the government’s efforts to criminalize Palestine solidarity. Read more about Video: Brief documentary highlights "stunning" BDS actions in France
10 June 2011
Final preparations are underway for the next big flotilla to Gaza, which is scheduled to occur in late June. The US Boat to Gaza will take part in the largest planned fleet yet, with an estimated 1,000 passengers from an array of countries collaborating to break Israel’s blockade. Read more about US activists prepare to break Israel's blockade on Gaza