Day 187: High-tech genocide

Israel is using AI – artificial intelligence – to compile kill lists that define almost anyone in Gaza as a “Hamas operative” to be targeted for death from the sky. Israel uses these AI systems to justify its indiscriminate bombing, often destroying entire buildings on top of their inhabitants.

What do these horrifying systems mean for accountability for genocide and war crimes and have they led to any kind of “success” from Israel’s perspective?

We were joined by independent investigative journalist Antony Loewenstein to talk about Israel’s high-tech genocide and the profits it makes marketing its machinery of death globally.

Antony’s most recent book is The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports The Technology Of Occupation Around The World, which he discussed in detail with us last year on The Electronic Intifada Podcast.

Jump to Antony Loewenstein’s segment here.

Jon Elmer detailed the complex resistance ambush that chased the Israeli military from Khan Younis, and Hizballah’s downing of Israel’s flagship drone, the Elbit Hermes 900, over Lebanon.

Jump to Jon Elmer’s segment here.

Ali Abunimah, Asa Winstanley, Jon and I then discussed these topics and some of the latest regional and political developments.

Jump to the group discussion here.

And I began the show with a news update, including a report on the efforts by Palestinian civil defense crews to recover the hundreds of bodies left in pits dug by the Israeli army during its two-week assault on al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

Jump to the news report here.

These are just some of the many topics we cover on The Electronic Intifada livestream. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

With Ali Abunimah, Nora Barrows-Friedman, Jon Elmer, Tamara Nassar and Asa Winstanley




Seems to me they will use "Lavender" not for planning beforehand, but for exact the opposite: to generate the bureaucratic documentation afterwards for what they would have done anyway. In fact it is full scale carpet bombing, total destruction and genocide. But the "most moral army" always say they could prove it were distinct "targets" and they could lay out all this in great detail.
As a rule I never trust the perspective they want to indoctrinate us to judge their action. So here - just by the simplest of dialectic - the view from the opposite angle and reverse time order makes perfect sense.

Nora Barrows-Friedman

Nora Barrows-Friedman's picture

Nora Barrows-Friedman is a staff writer and associate editor at The Electronic Intifada, and is the author of In Our Power: US Students Organize for Justice in Palestine (Just World Books, 2014).