Video: BDS and the Gaza war -- Ali Abunimah on France 24
9 July 2015
Historic Palestine is headed toward a one-state solution.
9 July 2015
Historic Palestine is headed toward a one-state solution.
4 June 2015
Is boycott really bringing effective pressure on Israel?
4 March 2015
Netanyahu speech draws on Islamophobia, aims to woo radical Christians in attempt to derail US diplomacy with Iran.
5 January 2015
Will the Palestinian Authority’s attempt to join the International Criminal Court help bring Israeli leaders to justice for war crimes?
21 October 2014
Denial of Service attacks are widely seen as a threat to freedom of expression, prompting several initiatives to protect potential targets.
14 October 2014
Panel focuses on what Salaita’s firing means in the critical battle on US campuses over academic freedom, free speech and US policy toward Israel.
28 September 2014
The so-called international community is using Palestinian civilians in Gaza as hostages in their war against Hamas.
21 August 2014
In Al Jazeera interview, Ali Abunimah says Israel rejected far-reaching and generous Palestinian truce offers.
23 May 2014
Max Blumenthal and Ali Abunimah appeared together at the Roxie Theatre in San Francisco in a discussion on Palestine.
10 April 2014
A video of Ali Abunimah speaking about his new book, The Battle for Justice in Palestine, at the Palestine Center in Washington.