National Interest Foundation 21 May 2005

When: Monday, May 23rd, starting at 6:00 PM
Where: DC Convention Center, demonstrating at Massachusetts Avenue at 7th Street NW.
Who: The following speakers will address a demonstration at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) annual conference:
Huwaida Arraf, co-founder of International Solidarity Movement
Ross Pourzal, Alliance of Progressive Iranians
Dr. E. Faye Williams, Board of Directors of the Council for the National Interest
Demonstrators will protest against AIPAC’s support for Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian lands, its abuses of the rights of Arabs in the occupied territories and in Israel, and its promotion of wars against Syrian and especially Iran. We also protest Israeli leader Ariel Sharon’s appearance at the conference because of his involvement over 50 years in a series of war crimes, including the massacres at Sabra and Shatilla. And we protest any role of AIPAC or its employees, past or present, in passing highly classified information on Iran or any other topic from U.S. government employees to the state of Israel.
The protest has been endorsed by Former Congressman Paul Findley (R-Illinois), Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu, dozens of individuals and the following organizations: Action Center For Justice, Charlotte, NC; Alliance of Progressive Iranians; American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) Washington DC Area Chapter; Constitution Party of New York; Council for the National Interest; Danbury Committee for World Peace; DC Anti-War Network; Hindus for Peace and Justice; Iranian “Left Alliance of Washington”; Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign; Jewish Witnesses for Peace & Friends - Ann Arbor, Michigan; Jews Against the Occupation-NYC; Justice for Palestinians Committee; Libertarians for Peace; Palestine Office- Michigan; Proposition One Committee; StopTheWarNow.Net; Stop U.S. Tax-funded Aid to Israel Now! (SUSTAIN); The Middle East Crisis Committee; Washington Peace Center; Washington Report on Middle East Affairs; Women for Peace and Justice in Iran.
The protest Call and demands and updated individual and group endorsements are at Stop the War Now