The Electronic Intifada 16 March 2005
I would never call it final resting place
the spot where she was crushed and smashed
into the landscape of a brutal Occupation
I would call it the restless spot
the place where a soul’s liberation rises above
the one act that could best depict
the oppression she stood so firm against

Rachel Corrie at Evergreen State College. (Handout)
oppression did not smash her spirit
and leaving traces of herself
beyond the mortal bruises
her unholy sacrifice
reclaims the spirit of nonviolent resistance
We pick up bits and pieces
We scoop up Rachel
and carry her along
We sing her spirit’s song
What else do we do?
Do we drive over other young women?
Do we blow ourselves up?
Do we tear down all of the homes in an entire town?
to build more walls and ghettoes?
In a restless place
there is Soul
that rises above hatred
and hovers in righteousness
and has no vengeance
only longing longing longing
for a peaceful
resting place.
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Mary La Rosa is a librarian and artist living close to NYC, where she can be seen drumming in the streets for peace and social justice.