The Electronic Intifada 1 May 2003
To National Public Radio
1 May 2003, 5.49 AM CT
Dear NPR,
I just listened to the most recent hourly news bulletin on your website, and as is habitual with your service, you omitted all mention of an overnight Israeli attack on Gaza in which Israel killed 8 Palestinians including a two-year-old child and a 13-year-old.
You did have a news spot about the ‘Road Map,’ in which we learned that the US hopes that the initiative will be a new beginning, but no mention of the atrocity in Gaza.
Will one of you explain why you routinely omit news of murder and mayhem when the victims are Palestinians? Reports about the latest suicide bombing that killed three in Tel Aviv were frequent on NPR, and often described the event as a threat to the nascent peace process. No such connection is made to Israel crimes.
Why, why this horrible double standard?
Ali Abunimah