The Electronic Intifada 8 December 2010

Gaza (Matthew Cassel)
To remain a strong, independent publication and an educational resource for the Palestine solidarity and justice movement, The Electronic Intifada needs the support of readers and friends like you. Please make a contribution today.
As The Electronic Intifada prepared to launch its annual campaign to ask our readers and friends to support our independent reporting on Palestine by making a contribution, we found ourselves under attack from a prominent anti-Palestinian organization.
The goal of the attackers, we believe, is to shut us down by pressuring funders to withdraw grants they’ve given us. If we can’t pay our editors or reporters, or maintain our equipment and keep our servers working, their reasoning goes, then there will be one less watchdog to report on human rights abuses in Palestine and to educate our thousands of daily readers about the Palestinian struggle for freedom and the global solidarity movement.
The escalating attacks on The Electronic Intifada and other Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights and civic groups working for justice are evidence that what we do is changing minds. Why else would they try to stop us? But we also know that major organizations which oppose human rights for Palestinians are gearing up for even more aggressive tactics as we have reported.
We are resilient because most of The Electronic Intifada’s funding comes not from a foundation grant but from readers who rely on us every day for solid reporting, prescient analysis, moving features, activism news and a full range of arts coverage and reviews.
As long as we have a strong base of community support, no one can stop us from doing our work. Show your support and help us to keep educating people and inspiring them to work for justice. Please make a contribution today.
Readers like you support our work because they know that the information produced by The Electronic Intifada does more than inform a passive audience. It is a powerful resource in the hands of all who work for justice.
- Our consistent reporting on Veolia’s involvement in the “Jerusalem Light Rail” linking illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank has provided activists with the information they needed to launch a successful campaign to hold the corporation accountable and make it unprofitable to build infrastructure for the Israeli occupation in violation of international law. In late November, Veolia announced it was pulling out of the project, a major victory.
- The Electronic Intifada broke the story that the son of Ethan Bronner, The New York Times bureau chief in Jerusalem, had voluntarily enlisted in the Israeli army, raising a serious conflict of interest for Bronner’s and The New York Times’ coverage. Citing our report, the newspaper’s public editor called for Bronner to be reassigned (“Too Close to Home,” 6 February 2010). Although the The Times chose to ignore its ombudsman’s recommendation, our story forced a major institution to publicly acknowledge its own biases and generated broad debate about double standards plaguing mainstream reporting about Israel and the Palestinians.
These are just two examples of how, with your support, The Electronic Intifada makes an impact. Below are some more highlights of our original reporting and analysis over the past year, powerful pieces made possible with the support of our readers. Please read and share them, and remember, we can’t do this work without you.
As we do each year, it is our turn to say we count on you. To make sure we do stay strong in 2011, please take action today to help us meet our $100,000 goal by 31 December. It’s a bigger goal than we’ve ever had because we are doing more reporting than ever. Please do more if you can. Donate now.
Thank you.
Highlights from The Electronic Intifada 2010
- Gaza’s thin red line one year later
Eva Bartlett, 22 January 2010 - “Palestinian journalists can’t work freely or safely”
Sarah Irving, 22 January 2010 - Israel bombs Gaza’s agricultural sector to the brink
Eva Bartlett, 15 February 2010 - Grassroots organizer targeted by PA, Israeli forces
Nora Barrows-Friedman, 13 April 2010 - Israel’s repression of its Palestinian citizens unites us in struggle
Ameer Makhoul, 6 May 2010 - Quartet ex-envoy’s investment helps Israel greenwash settlements
Ali Abunimah, 6 May 2010 - A day in Jerusalem
Yasmeen El Khoudary, 11 May 2010 - International solidarity and the Freedom Flotilla massacre
Editorial, 31 May 2010 - The day the world became Gaza
Ali Abunimah, 4 June 2010 - The crimes I saw on the Mavi Marmara
Lubna Masarwa, 8 June 2010 - The Last Queen of the Night
Yasmeen El Khoudary 5 July 2010 - Youth re-imagine life through short films
Kara Newhouse, 20 August 2010 - An artist’s pledge to boycott
Dave Lordan, 27 August 2010 - No reconstruction despite siege “easing”
Rami Almeghari, 27 August 2010 - Washington peace talks: democracy need not apply
Matthew Cassel, 15 September 2010 - Indigenous resistance, from Colombia to Palestine
Anna Baltzer, 16 September 2010 - Activists face broad PA crackdown in West Bank
Nora Barrows-Friedman, 22 September 2010 - Palestinians take to Jerusalem streets after killing
Joseph Dana, 22 September 2010 - “Why aren’t the Bedouin treated like Jewish citizens?”
Jillian Kestler-D’Amours, 24 September 2010 - Days before birthday, my son sees Gaza’s horror
Rami Almeghari, 30 September 2010 - Dutch company raided over involvement in occupation
Adri Nieuwhof, 20 October 2010 - Police repress convergence on UK weapons factory
Bridget Chappell, 22 October 2010 - The great book robbery of 1948
Arwa Aburawa, 9 November 2010 - US activists face new repression as political prisoners fight for justice
Nora Barrows-Friedman and Maureen Clare Murphy, 15 November 2010 - Book review: An Israeli academic’s struggle against McCarthyism
Raymond Deane, 17 November 2010 - Photostory: somber holiday under occupation
Sanne Winderickx, 25 November 2010 - Why NGO Monitor is attacking The Electronic Intifada
Report, 30 November 2010 - The Carmel wildfire is burning all illusions in Israel
Max Blumenthal, 6 December 2010
Please donate now. Thank you!