Fadi Kiblawi

I will not be silenced

“Last week, Hillel Director Robert Fishman sent an organizational e-mail over the Hillel listserv accusing me of being a terrorist,” writes GW law student Fadi Kiblawi, “The claims include that I have ‘led chants (of) ‘Death to Jews.’” In this contribution to EI, Kiblawi, a leading advocate of divestment from Israel, demands an apology for these falsehoods, calumny and intimidation, and warns he will take legal action to clear his name against those who launched this scurrilous campaign. He affirms that he and other students who insist on open debate about how to confront Israel’s human rights abuses will not be silenced. 

Israel's apologists and the Martin Luther King Jr. hoax

Many of Israel’s apologists, and even former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. declaring, “anti-Zionist is inherently anti-Semitic, and ever will be so.” There’s only one problem with this famous quote: King never said it, because its a hoax. EI contributors Fadi Kiblawi and Will Youmans investigate the use and abuse of Dr. King’s legacy to justify Israeli abuses, and silence criticism of Israel.