Journalists in Danger

IPI releases report on press freedom violations for the period 28 September to 22 November 2000

In a detailed report on the crisis in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Areas, the International Press Institute (IPI) highlighted the disturbing number of injuries to journalists and media professionals between 28 September and 22 November 2000. 

Press freedom violations in Israel and occupied Palestinian areas (28 September 2000 to 28 February 2001)

In December, the International Press Institute (IPI) highlighted in a detailed report the number of injuries and other press freedom violations against journalists and media professionals in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Areas. The report documented all known such cases since the start of the Palestinian uprising on 28 September 2000. IPI has now updated and revised its report, adding cases of press freedom violations since the beginning of the crisis until 28 February 2001. 

IPI updates report on Israeli-Palestinian conflict and calls for independent monitoring

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors and media executives, has updated and revised its report on press freedom violations related to the Palestinian Intifada. Covering the period from the beginning of the uprising on 29 September, 2000 until 24 July, 2001, the report provides a detailed examination of the serious abuses of journalists and media outlets in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel. 
