EI in the Press

The massacring of the truth

This article by former Israeli cabinet minister Amnon Rubinstein, appearing in the usually respectable Israeli Ha’aretz newspaper, contained a hysterical attack on the Electronic Intifada made possible only by badly distorting the contents of a recent letter we wrote to The Economist magazine. 

Intifada on the Internet: Exposing Media Biases Toward Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In October 2000, a group of dedicated pro-Palestinian activists from around the world combined their efforts to wage an electronic intifada—a digital ‘shaking off’ of the biases present in media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Four months later, Ali Abunimah, Arjan El Fassed, Laurie King-Irani and Nigel Parry officially launched the Electronic Intifada, a Web-based movement geared toward deconstructing the distraction tactics of ‘the Israeli media war machine’ and highlighting the damaging effects those tactics have on accurate reporting. Nizar Wattad reports in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. 

Debate between Ali Abunimah and Malcolm Hoenlein on KPFK

On 22 August 2001, The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah appeared on The David Corn Show, a programme on the Pacifica Network’s Los Angeles affiliate, KPFK, to debate the situation in the Middle East with Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice president of the Congress of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. 
