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Challenging AIPAC and confronting "US interests"

The roster of speakers at AIPAC’s annual policy conference — from Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to Christian Right paragon Ralph Reed, President Barack Obama and several members of Congress — is clear evidence that the relationship between and interests shared by AIPAC, the religious right and the US government continue unabashed and unchallenged. 

EI's Ali Abunimah discusses Nakba media coverage on FAIR's CounterSpin

This week on CounterSpin, the audio program of media watchdog FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah discussed US media coverage of Palestinian rights after the 15 May Nakba day protests and marches. The same episode also features noted Salon writer Glenn Greenwald talking about the media. 

New Al-Haq video documents Palestinian life in occupied Hebron

Al Haq has produced a new documentary video on Settlement Activity in the Old City of Hebron. It features testimony from a Palestinian family who live near Israeli settlers. They describe the frequent attacks they suffer from settlers who throw stones and even buckets of urine on them as they go about their daily life. The Israeli soldiers do not protect the Palestinian civilians even when faced with video evidence of settler attacks. 

DePaul students vote by large margin to ban Sabra hummus

Students at DePaul University in Chicago voted by a large margin in a referendum asking if they support ending sales of Sabra brand hummus on their campus. Due to a technicality, however, the result will not be binding. A note received by The Electronic Intifada from campus activists with Students for Justice in Palestine at the university announced today the results of voting that took place earlier this week: