
3 January 2024

Despite his age, 2-year-old Omar understands what happened when he “miraculously dodged death,” Fatema Abderahman writes from Gaza. He stunned his family when he said “whole house is broken, the warplane broke the house, the street is broken, the country is broken.”

Charging a phone and finding an internet connection is a day-long ordeal, writes Khuloud Rabah Sulaiman from Gaza. She recounts spending a whole afternoon attempting to file a story, only to be nearly killed in an Israeli strike on the way home.

Our pens are our weapons against the world’s attempts to silence us,” writes Sara Nabil Hegy, a student of Dr. Refaat Alareer, who was assassinated by Israel in December. “They wanted to silence Palestine, yet they raised thousands of voices in response.”

“The night unfolded as a symphony of anguish”: Eman Alhaj Ali recalls the 24 December massacre in Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza, where she and her family live. “Ambulances wailed in the distance and neighbors pleaded for salvation.”

People in Gaza are starving as food prices soar due to Israel’s comprehensive siege. Walaa Sabah interviews a mother who encourages her young children to ration their food: “Instead of starving for two days, they starve one out of every three days.”