
Women prepared to break the siege of Gaza

BEIRUT (IPS) - The Maryam, an all-female Lebanese aid ship, currently docked in the northern Lebanese port of Tripoli, is getting ready to set sail for Gaza in the next few days. The ship, which aims to break Israel’s siege on the Palestinian territory, will carry about fifty aid workers, including some US nuns keen to deliver aid to the long-suffering women and children of Gaza. 

California dockworkers reject meeting with Israeli consul

Two weeks after the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) in the San Francisco Bay Area joined with activists at the Port of Oakland to block the unloading of an Israeli Zim Lines cargo ship, the union reaffirmed its support of Palestinian rights despite pressure from the Israeli consulate and the Zionist-Israeli organization Stand With Us. 

Palestinian students, teachers condemn Italian university's normalization project

The Italian Development Cooperation (DGCS), with the support of UNESCO, has engineered the partnership of three Israeli universities with that of Al-Quds University in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in a masters program that allows 20 Israeli and Palestinian students to participate in learning about “cooperation, humanitarianism, peace and cultural preservation.” This act of normalization aims to blur the boundaries between oppressor and oppressed, colonizer and colonized, occupier and occupied, executioner and victim, and ultimately aims at whitewashing Israel’s war crimes. 

Boycott the International Geographical Union's regional conference in Tel Aviv!

Today, a month after the massacre of nine human rights activists in international waters aboard a flotilla carrying aid and supplies sailing to break the four-year closure of the Gaza Strip, we call once again upon the International Geographical Union to take a courageous and principled stand and cancel its Tel Aviv conference. 

UC Irvine administrators call to Muslim student group for Palestine protest

In response to intense political pressure by multiple pro-Zionist organizations, administrators at the University of California, Irvine have recommended suspending Muslim students’ right to assemble and practice their faith together on campus. Brian Napoletano reports for The Electronic Intifada. 

Activists found not guilty for decommissioning weapons factory

Seven anti-war activists on trial for entering a Brighton weapons factory and “decommissioning” it were found unanimously “not guilty” last week. On 16 January 2009 six of the defendants broke into the premises of EDO MBM, a supplier of weapons components. According to one of the defendants, Elijah Smith, they “set out to smash it up to the best of our abilities.” Chloe Marsh writes for The Electronic Intifada. 
