Lucas Koerner, the young American Jewish university student shown violently arrested in a Jerusalem Day video, speaks to The Electronic Intifada about his activism and what happened after his arrest. Read more about US citizen in Jerusalem arrest video speaks to EI
Hundreds of Palestinian and Syrian refugees marched yesterday from Syrian-controlled territory to the occupied Golan Heights to mark Naksa Day. Jillian Kestler-D’Amours interviews Salman Fakhreddin, a rights activist in the Golan Heights, on the significance of yesterday’s march. Read more about Eyewitness interview: Israel's "blood harvest" in occupied Golan
In an interview with The Electronic Intifada contributor Max Blumenthal, agronomist and Palestinian rights activist Rami Zurayk described how 150 representatives of Palestinian factions and refugee groups gathered to wrangle over the nascent May 15 movement’s language and long-term strategy. Read more about Interview: Planning the Nakba Day movement in Lebanon
Late last month AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, held its 2011 annual policy conference in Washington, DC. Just across the street hundreds of social justice activists from all corners of the United States, in addition to a handful of internationals, met with the formidable goal of building a counter-force to AIPAC. Read more about Move Over AIPAC challenges business-as-usual in Washington
The British prime minister has stepped down from his position as honorary patron of the Jewish National Fund (JNF). The move comes as pressure on the JNF steps up in Britain, and is being hailed by activists as a big victory in the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign. Read more about British prime minister steps down as JNF patron
Much attention has been paid to the marches of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and Syria to the borders with occupied Palestine, as well as the courageous protests at the Qalandiya checkpoint in the occupied West Bank and in Gaza. But Palestinians inside what is known as the green line marched on 15 May as well. Read more about Returning to Safed in shackles
Despite its many severely negative results, Israel’s siege of Gaza has offered Palestinian youth a service none had offered before. It offered new paths for us in our struggle for freedom, deepened our patriotic sentiment and finally created an environment that fosters a collective sense of selflessness and cooperation. It has created a young generation that truly cares. Read more about Israel's siege freed Gaza's youth
As I stood in the line waiting to check in at the Bradley International Airport in the US state of Connecticut, I wondered how overweight my luggage would be. I did not expect the questions that would come next. Read more about The perks of traveling while Palestinian
A relentless struggle against the ethnic cleansing of Palestine will continue outside the realm of the western corridors of power. That is only confirmed by Obama’s recent speeches at the State Department and the annual AIPAC policy conference. Read more about Throw a shoe at Obama's betrayal